Chapter Ten

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I can’t believe this is chapter 10 already! With my other fanfics I kind of already have plans for them to wind down and be a lot shorter but I want to keep adding to this one cause I feel like it’s my special project that’s always kinda just been there whereas my others I just started. Anyway, done rambling. I’m dedicating this chapter to @Alyciaaa_1D cause she liked my last chapter and cause her Larry fanfic is amazing so check it out doods.

Louis offered to walk Harry home, half because it seemed like the sweet thing to do and half because he was afraid of Harry running into one of them on his way. It turned out that Harry only lived a couple of blocks from Louis, and Louis told Harry he would walk him to and from school every day. When Harry asked him why, he told him that he wanted to spend as much time together as possible. That was true at least, even though it wasn’t the reason he wanted Harry by his side always.

It was a Friday night and the lights from houses and stores illuminated the sidewalk the walked on hand in hand. They walked in a comfortable silence, already falling into a pattern that just seemed right. Louis had never felt this way about someone before, even though he had plenty of his shares of girlfriends, some of them even were even pretty long term. Thinking about all of his exes made him realize how ignorant he had been for not realizing he was gay in the first place. Every girl he could think of now completely did nothing for him. The boy squeezing his hand, however, was probably the most attractive human being on the planet. He found himself wondered how Harry would look when he got older, when his face got more angular and his body my muscular, losing the baby weight surrounding it. He wondered how Harry would look with stubble on his cheeks after taking a shower and pushing his hair back with only a towel wrapped around his waist and……

“Boo, we’re here” Harry snapped him out of his trance. Louis blushed deeply and Harry giggled, guessing his thought.

They were standing in front of a very nice house, much nicer than Louis’s. It was white and had a wraparound porch with a little swing and rocking chair that was probably so peaceful in the summer. The windows all looked new and large and clean, the hedges out front were cut and showed the first signs of rose blooms. Louis decided he never wanted to leave here, without even seeing the inside.

“You can come in if you’d like?” Harry told him, obviously hoping for a yes.

Louis thought about this. “What about your mum and dad and…” he suddenly realized he didn’t know much about Harry’s family situation.

“I actually um…I came out a couple of days ago…well yesterday really.”*

“Really? Harry that’s great! But uh, are you sure they’re going to like me?”

“Who wouldn’t like you Boo? Besides, only my mum is home, and she likes everyone.” Harry said with a dimply grin. Louis simply smiled back and let Harry lead him inside.

If only he knew…

Louis walked inside Harry’s house and was visibly struck by it. The front door led to a little hallway full of family pictures and a table with little knickknacks. The hallway opened out into a living room on the left with a big TV and 3 sofas facing it which looked comfortable enough to sleep on and a table that held a book and coffee mug which looked more like they had been placed there artfully than had been actually in use. To the right was a whit spiral staircase, with steep steps that looked like it had been taken out of a castle and behind that was a kitchen. They stepped into the kitchen and were hit with the smell of cookies. The entire room was white and pale yellow aside from the stainless steel appliances. In front of them was a little dining room table which stuck out of a little breakfast nook and was curved on the window side to fit 2 window seats and stretched out for 2 more chairs on each side. Behind that was a little counter with white stools with yellow cushions on them facing the small but cozy kitchen. A woman who looked to be the age of Louis’s mum only very skinny and very tall was standing facing the oven, wearing an apron and taking the cookies out of the oven. He presumed this was Harry’s mum.

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