Chapter Five

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  • Dedicated to Cowriters, whoever you are :)

Harry's eyes open up wide. He and Louis stare at each other for a while. " me?" Harry finally breaks the silence.

"I guess I just...I don't know what--"

Harry cuts him off, pulling their face together to kiss him.

 Louis is so struck by the idea that he is kissing Harry, a guy, but the kiss feels so nice and warm that he can't resist. Louis thought about how sharing a kiss with another boy, and all of a sudden it didn't feel so weird. Not weird at all. A million things ran through his head when Harry put his lips to his, but they all vanished as he felt Harry take his hands in his own and hold them tight to his body. His stomach fluttered with butterflies and his mind clouded over, and for the first time in a long time Louis had the feeling of being extremely, undeniably happy, even though he was still scared of what this all meant. Was he gay? What was he going to say to Harry when the kiss ended? There were 2 reasons why he wished the kiss would never end; one because he didn’t know what to say afterward and the other being that it just felt so good.

Eventually, with a sad sigh from Louis, Harry pulled away a watched Louis’s handsome face closely. He was shocked at himself for what he just did, wondering where his sudden burst of confidence had come from and hoping he hadn’t misread the signals Louis had been giving him.

Louis kept his eyes closed for a minute longer and when he opened them, he was struck once again by Harry’s beautiful green eyes that mesmerized him immediately, taking away his fears about what to say to Harry. Harry was examining him with curiosity, and Louis, being one to always want to make people happy, gave Harry a knowing smile to lighten the mood.

With that smile Harry now knew all he needed to know, he hadn’t misread anything, in fact Louis meant what he said about “liking” Harry more than he himself even realized, and with that Harry flashed his charming smile in return, but it faltered a second later. "I don't think I'm...I mean...I don't know if I'm--"

"Me either" Louis said, reading his mind. "I'm a little scared" he admitted, still staring into Harry's eyes.

"Me too...but...this feels real to you too, right?" he asked, watching Louis's eyes for any signs of him lying.

"It does." Louis agreed, his heart stuttering with the fact that Harry felt the same way he did. 

The pizza came a minute later and Harry and Louis ate in Louis's room, wanting to be alone still. Louis's mum had to go to her late night shift at the hospital and his sisters went to bed. They continued to talk, about small things and sometimes throwing in some feelings. They both admitted they were scared, but that they had real feelings for each other. All of a sudden Louis heard a knock on the door.

"Wait here. I have to go answer the door," Louis says. He gives a last little smile at Harry before trudging off down the stairs.

When he opened the door he finds a drunken girl with long brown wavy hair.

"Louis, I want you."


Right then Eleanor pounces on him. She starts kissing him roughly and pushes him onto the couch.

"Eleanor, stop!" Louis shouted when her lips reached his neck. She was obviously drunk out of her mind and not thinking clearly. And Louis wasn't even remotely turned on.

"Oh, you want to play hard to get, yeah?" she smirks and starts kissing him while she's straddling him. Just then Louis hears a voice.

"I never should have trusted you." and then he hears the front door close.

Harry. Harry saw them. Harry saw them making out and he thought that Louis was kissing her back, with him right upstairs. He thought that this was all a game after all and he and Eleanor were just celebrating a job well done.

Good job, Louis. You lost him.

Harry left the house crying. "I should've known better. He likes girls. He doesn't like me. He probably meant he liked me as a friend. Nothing more." he spoke to himself on the way home. When he got home, his mum was on the couch, reading a book. She sometimes had trouble sleeping at night, but Harry had a sneaking suspicion that she had been waiting for him. She looked up when he shut the door and saw his tears. 

"Oh Harry! What happened?!" she rushed over and hugged him. She smelt like the cake she was making and something that just smelt like his home. He couldn't help himself, he told her everything. Right up to what happened with Eleanor.

"Harry honey! I'm so sorry! He doesn't even deserve you!" she exclaimed when he was finished.

" don't care then? That I like boys?"

She looked horrified. "Harry you know I will always love you no matter who you like!" she said, kissing his head again. 

He smiled. At least one good thing came out of this night.

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