Chapter Sixteen (Last Chapter)

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  • Dedicated to ALL MY READERS!

I can’t believe this is the end of book 1!! This is so crazy! I hope you all enjoyed it and I really hope you all enjoy the sequel, which will be uploaded when The Larry Story gets 100 total votes!!!!! Well, see you later :) <3

“This is like that scene in Mean Girls when they’re trying to take down Regina…only your all boys.”

“Thanks for the input Perrie” Louis said, laughing. They were gathered in Harry’s bedroom and staring a dry erase board Louis set up. Written on it were the names Niall, Eleanor and Zayn.

“So, what do we do first?” Harry said from his position in bed. Dr. Grimshaw advised him to stay home from school for the week and rest. Somehow, Louis had convinced his mum to let him stay home with Harry also. It may have been because it was their last week before Christmas break anyway, or it may have been because she felt bad for all he had went through in the last few days and let him off the hook for a while, but either way he was eternally grateful.

“Well, I guess we start with Niall” Louis said, putting a big number 1 next to his name. “Because we already have a plan for him. As long as you’re still OK with it, Harry?”

“Louis I told you a million times, I’m OK with the plan” he said slowly, as if that would make Louis believe him more, “I know that you will still love me.”

Louis smiled at him, “I’ll always love you, Haz.”

“OK now enough with all the mushy crap” Perrie interrupted jokingly, she was sitting cross-legged on the floor next to Harry’s bed beside Liam, who was trying very, very hard not to openly stare at her.

“Well then next is Eleanor” Louis said, putting a 2 next to her name. “You know your job for that right Liam? Liam??”

“What?! Oh right.” Liam snapped out of his Perrie trance with a blush. Perrie giggled.

“And that leaves Zayn” Louis said, ignoring them and putting a 3 next to Zayn’s name, underlining it a few times for good measure. “Are you up for this, Perrie?”

Perrie nodded, smiling. “I’m like a double agent!” she exclaimed giddily. She was way too cheerful. It gave Louis a headache.

“Great. And then there’s Harry” Louis said.

“Yea, what exactly is my job?” Harry asked, realizing suddenly that he had been left out.

“Your job is to do your best to push Liam and Eleanor, Perrie and Zayn and Niall and I together; and to collect intelligence.”

“Sounds boring” Harry whined, throwing his head back on the pillow.

“I don’t want you doing anything too dangerous Hazzy. I worry about you, you know” Louis said, pushing Harry’s curls out of his eyes.

“Well maybe you worry too much” Harry stuck out his bottom lip, which Louis leaned down and kiss, causing Harry to lighten up a bit.

“If you keep doing that, I’ll let you get away with worrying too much” Harry whispered, making Louis grin in response.

“Ahem” Liam cleared his throat, making Louis jump and turn around.

“Alright then” Louis said, his cheeks turning red. “Let’s continue.”

“Right, well, what do we know about Niall?” Perrie started.

“We know that he’s gay…” Louis put in, feeling awkward saying it out loud.

“We don’t know that” Harry said. “We’re just assuming that he is. He didn’t actually come out to me or anything.”

“True, but I think the odds are in our favor” Louis said, writing down ‘gay’ next to Niall’s name.

“And we know, or we think we know” Liam corrected “that he has a crush on Louis.”

Louis gulped and shot a look at Harry, but his face was blank. He wrote down ‘Louis’ under ‘gay’.

“So what do we know about Eleanor then?” Liam asked next.

“She’s a bitch” was Harry’s genius discovery.

“Well, there’s that. But we also know that she’ll do anything to keep being popular” Louis said, writing ‘ego’ next to Eleanor’s name.

“And she’s a slut” Harry spoke up again.

“Yes, thank you Harry, we understand that” Louis said, giving him a look.

“Well, that might actually come in handy” said Perrie. “If she’s really a slut, then getting her to embarrass herself with a guy won’t be too hard.”

“I guess so” Louis said, writing down ‘slut’ under ‘ego’. “And now, Zayn. We know he’s a huge homophobe” Louis said, writing ‘homophone’ next to Zayn’s name.

“And that he loves his looks” Perrie said. She sounded pretty disgusted, which was good. The more she hated Zayn the more her loyalty to them would stand. Louis wrote down ‘vain’ next to Zayn’s name.

“I think that’s all we need, for now” Louis said, capping the marker and sitting down at the desk to admire the chart. “Harry will gather more information, but for now we have two weeks Christmas break to prepare.”

“Right! And I’m going away for the holiday, so I won’t start with my spying until we all go back to school” Perrie said, more excited than nervous like the rest of them.

“OK then, so World War 3 starts January 3rd.” Harry said. Louis walked over to the bed and took his hand.

“I’ll protect you, remember?” he whispered. Harry nodded and smiled a little.

Let the games begin…

The Larry Story [Larry Stylinson AU] EDITING!Where stories live. Discover now