Chapter Four

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  • Dedicated to Cowriters, whoever you are :)

Harry got home after school at around 3:30 pm. His mum Anne was in the kitchen, making a cake. Ever since she remarried his stepdad Robin she baked all the time, which Harry didn't mind all that much.

"Hi sweetie!" she exclaimed when he walked in, kissing his curly head. "How was your day?"

"Good" that was his usual answer, even though his mum knew he wasn't exactly popular, he didn't want to upset her with his problems. "I'm going out later." he said.

 "To Liam's house?" she asked, whipping the batter and greasing the pan at the same time.

 "Actually no. I made a new friend. His name is Louis" Harry said shyly. In the past decade he had never made a new friend, let alone gone to someone's house besides Liam's. He didn't exactly know what to expect from his mum.

To his delight, Anne smiled. She grinned actually. "That's wonderful! He can come over anytime!"

Harry blushed and said OK running upstairs and texting Louis.

'Did you ask your mum if I could come over?'

Louis smiled when his phone vibrated. 2 new text messages. One was from Eleanor, which he checked first.

'U r still coming tonite right?' he had completely forgotten about her party. He couldn't think of anything worse than going to an Eleanor Calder party right now and Harry had actually agreed to seeing him. He wanted to hang out with Harry so bad, there was no way he could pass up the opportunity.

'sorry. Have to babysit my sisters. Mums going out. Wish I could.' Lying in text was so much easier, he decided. Then he checked his other message, it was from Harry.

'did you ask your mum if I could come over?'

'yup. She said it's fine :)' Louis grinned. Harry was actually coming over his house.

He suddenly realized he had no idea what he was going to do. What they were going to do. He wanted to talk to Harry, to find out why he was so intrigued by him. He had no idea how to go about doing this. Sure, he had done it a million times with girls, but this was so different. He shuddered and decided to clean his room before Harry came over, wanted to make a good impression. His heat pounded the entire time.

Harry got there at 6 and Louis's mum, Jay, opened the door.

"Hi, you must be Harry! I'm Jay." He had long dark hair and was wearing nurse's scrubs. She had the same nose and mouth as Louis, and Harry liked her immediately.

"Nice to meet you Jay." he said politely.

"Well then, come in! Come in! LOUIS, HARRYS HERE!" she yelled. He could see two of Louis's sisters sitting on the couch whispering. When Harry looked over at them they smiled and fluttered their eyelashes.

"Don't worry about them. They have a crush on nearly every boy they see." he heard Louis and turned around.

"Hi." Louis smiled and said, "Come on. I'll show you my room." and he led Harry upstairs. Harry turned around and waved to Jay before as he was pushed stair by stair. She smiled in return. Harry was experiencing the rush of being nervous and excited at the same time. He warned himself on the way over to be cautious, to not tell Louis anything that he might be able to use against him with his friends and also to not be disappointed if it turned out that this whole thing WAS in fact a really mean prank. But Harry felt his nerves calming when walking up the flight of stairs to Louis’s bedroom.

His room was nothing like Harry's, with quite a few more sports-related things and quite a few less books. Harry but strangely felt at home at once. He took a seat in the chair at Louis’s desk, which was covered with computer things and video games, and Louis sat on his bed. The room was a bit messier than Harry liked for his own room but he took Louis’s messiness as a cute personality trait that he could definitely get used to.

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