Chapter Eleven

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I made my username Larry related yay :) This one’s dedicated @pumastylinson for being my 3rd like on the last chapter and being awesome ;3 The next few chapters are gonna be like woah what’s happening?! so stayed tuned for it ;)

Louis stood in front of the mirror, trying to perfect his outfit for the last time before his date with Harry tonight. He had put on a tight gray T-shirt, his leather jacket, dark blue jeans and a blue beanie with his favorite pair of gray TOMs. He looked at the clock, 5:45. He was supposed to be at Harry’s at 6. He sighed, deciding this would be his outfit of choice.

Walking to Harry’s house he became more and more nervous. He didn’t think he had ever been this nervous about going on a first date before. Usually it was a done deal, he would find out a girl liked him, ask her out, and they’d be dating by the end of the week. But Harry was different. Well, obviously, because he was a boy, but this date felt more important than any of the other’s he’d gone on. His head was spinning as he walked to Harry’s, trying to think of as many ways as possible to make this the best date of his life. He wanted it to be special. He wanted Harry to remember this night, always.

Louis arrived at Harry’s house 2 minutes early. He stood outside looking at his watch until it turned to 6 before knocking on the door. Harry answered almost immediately. He was wearing a plain white shirt and black jeans with a coat with a fur hood. His hair was extra curly and he was grinning before the door even opened. Louis was amazed how he could make just a plain white shirt look incredible. He finished examining Harry only to look up into his eyes and seeing Harry was doing the same thing with him. Louis felt a blush creeping into his cheeks. “You look really good” Louis told him shyly.

“So do you” Harry said. He walked out onto the porch and closed the door behind him. He took Louis’s hand and let him lead the taller boy down to the sidewalk. It was still light out and kids were playing outside, riding bikes and playing sports. Harry and Louis chatted a little on their walk. Louis felt more and more nervous as he talked to Harry, wondering if Harry was as nervous as he was.

They got to the movie theater 10 minutes later and stopped outside the booth. Louis looked around quick. He was making sure that no one they knew was there, not because he didn’t want to be seen with Harry, because he sure didn’t care about that. He wanted to make sure no one would bother them on their date. Fortunately, there weren’t many people at the movies yet, since it was so early. Just a bunch of parents with their kids. Louis breathed a sigh of relief.

“So, uh…what do you want to see?” Harry asked him, poking him in the side. Louis smiled at him, “you decide, I’m paying.”

Harry looked shocked, “noo! Don’t do that. I will pay.”

Louis rolled his eyes teasingly. “How about, you pick the movie and I pay, and then you can buy me dinner after, huh?” he bumped hips with Harry.

Harry smiled, “alriiiight” he half complained. He looked over at the movies. They were almost at the ticket booth now. Louis watched as Harry looked over the titles, his lips pursing as he thought. He looked so confused and adorable that he leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

They heard giggling behind them. Both boys turned around and saw two girls about the age of Louis’s sister watching them and giggling behind their hands. Harry stuck his tongue out at them and they squealed and turned around. Louis laughed. He was too sweet.

They got to the front then and Harry asked the man for two tickets for a romantic movie. Louis tried to hide the nerves bubbling up as he paid and got the tickets. He hoped it wasn’t too romantic. He didn’t want to have to measure up to some movie tonight.

The Larry Story [Larry Stylinson AU] EDITING!Where stories live. Discover now