*:・゚✧Chapter 37. [Shanaya]*:・゚✧

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The whole plan of the fundraiser bake sale was discussed, everyone volunteered too, my friends, Riya, Harsh, even Bhabhi too decided to bake her all rounder lemon tarts, but the most excited person was Ruby.

"Bua Bua Bua, I want to participate too. I will bake cakes." She said bouncing in front of me.

"You can help Fufu in the kitchen if you want?"I said with a smirk aiming at Lakshya.

"Yesss, I will. You okay with it Fufu?" She asked getting to him next.

"Of course chipmunk, this Sunday be ready okay." He said tipping her nose lovingly and she ran to tell the news to everyone.

"Seems like you ain't confident in your husband, Mrs. Mehra?" He said looking at me with an raised eyebrow.

The week flew by in a flurry of preparations for the bake sale. Recipes were exchanged, ingredients were gathered, and the kitchen was a constant hub of activity. The excitement in the air was palpable, especially with Ruby's boundless enthusiasm.

On Sunday morning, the sun rose over a clear blue sky, promising perfect weather for the fundraiser. By 9 a.m., the community center was bustling with activity. Tables were set up, decorated with cheerful tablecloths and signs, and an array of baked goods started to fill the space. There were cupcakes, cookies, pies, and of course, Bhabhi's famous lemon tarts taking center stage. The media had helped a lot, as well as I had personally got delivered many invitations to various personalities.

Ruby, wearing a pink apron that was a tad too big for her, was darting around helping wherever she could. Her laughter was infectious, and everyone adored her energy.

"Fufu! Look, I arranged all the cookies!" Ruby said proudly, pointing to a perfectly organized display of colorful cookies.

Lakshya ruffled her hair affectionately. "You did an amazing job, chipmunk. We're definitely going to sell out today."

I was busy setting up the cash register, glanced over at Lakshya and Ruby, feeling a warm sense of contentment. It was a perfect day, and the love blossoming around was very addictive and contagious.

By noon, the bake sale was in full swing. People from the neighborhood and beyond streamed in, drawn by the delicious smells and the promise of tasty treats. Conversations and laughter filled the air as old friends caught up and new connections were made. Riya and Harsh were manning the cupcake station, their easy banter drawing customers in. Bhabhi was stationed at her lemon tart table, her charming smile and excellent sales pitch making her tarts fly off the shelves.

Lakshya was helping me with the money, but his eyes kept drifting to Ruby, making sure she was having fun and staying safe. It was in one of those moments when he was distracted that the atmosphere changed.

His affection and love for Ruby left me thinking what if one day we had kids, is he going to adore them? He will be a great father.

A sudden hush fell over the crowd, and I looked up to see what had caused the shift. Standing at the entrance, looking as stunning as ever, was Neha Di. Her presence was like a dark cloud on a sunny day, casting a shadow over the event.

Neha Di walked in with a confident stride, her eyes scanning the room until they locked onto Lakshya. For a moment, everything seemed to freeze. The easy chatter and laughter that had filled the air moments ago were replaced by an awkward silence. Shanaya felt a tight knot form in her stomach as Neha Di approached. She was a senior in my school, and the cause of my first heartbreak.

Lakshya's jaw tightened, and he took a step towards Neha, shielding Shanaya with his body. "Neha, what are you doing here?" he asked, his tone measured but firm.

Neha smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes. "I heard about the bake sale and thought I'd stop by. It's for a good cause, right?"

Before Lakshya could respond, Riya and Harsh moved to stand beside me in an instance, their expressions protective and wary. Bhabhi, too, left her table and came to join the group, her usual warmth replaced by a cool, steely gaze.

Suddenly Maa, came forward, she straightened her shoulders, stepping up beside Lakshya. "We're doing fine without you, Neha," she said, her voice steady. "If you want to contribute, you can buy something and support the cause."

Neha's smile faltered slightly, but she quickly regained her composure. "I see everyone's still as welcoming as ever," she said with a hint of sarcasm.

Ruby, who had been blissfully unaware of the tension, chose that moment to bound over. "Bua, Bua! We're almost out of cookies! Should I bake more?" She looked up and noticed Neha, her expression turning curious. "Who's this?"

Lakshya bent down to Ruby's level. "This is an old friend of mine, Ruby. Why don't you go help Bhabhi with the lemon tarts?"

Ruby nodded enthusiastically and ran off to join Bhabhi, who was watching the interaction closely.

Neha's eyes followed Ruby, and then she looked back at Lakshya, a strange expression on her face. "She's adorable. I didn't know you had kids around."

Lakshya's expression softened slightly as he watched Ruby. "She's family."

I felt a pang in her heart at the thought of how much Ruby meant to them all. "Neha, you're welcome to stay and buy something, but if you're here to stir up trouble, I think it's best if you leave."

Neha opened her mouth to respond, but Lakshya cut her off. "Shanaya's right. We're here for a good cause, and we don't need any drama. If you can respect that, you're welcome to stay.She seemed to weigh her options before finally giving a small nod. "Fine. I'll buy something. For old times' sake."

She moved towards the tables, and the tension began to ease slightly. The buzz of conversation started up again, though it was more subdued than before.

I exhaled slowly, feeling Lakshya's hand slip into hers. He gave her a reassuring squeeze. "You okay?" he asked softly.

I nodded, not quite sure. "Yeah. Just wasn't expecting her, that's all."

"We'll get through this," he said, his voice filled with conviction.

For the next hour, Neha mingled around the bake sale, buying a few items here and there but mostly keeping to herself. The atmosphere gradually returned to its previous cheerfulness, though an undercurrent of tension remained.

At last she looked at me, and Lakshya, something crossed in her eyes but she decided to leave anyways.

As the door closed behind her, it felt like a collective sigh of relief swept through the room. Lakshya turned to me with a grin, wrapping his arms around me. "She's gone."

I leaned into him, feeling the warmth and comforts of his arms. 

The rest of the bake sale went smoothly, with everyone pitching in to make up for the earlier disruption. By the end of the day, they had raised a substantial amount for the fundraiser, and the sense of community and togetherness was stronger than ever.

As they packed up, Ruby came over, her face smeared with a bit of frosting. "Did we do good, Bua?" laughed and wiped the frosting off Ruby's cheek. "We did amazing, Ruby. Thanks to you and everyone else."

Ruby beamed. "Can we do this again next year?"

Lakshya chuckled. "We'll see, chipmunk. We'll see."

As we all gathered for the final group photo, I looked round at the smiling faces of my family and friends. Despite the unexpected visit from Neha, the day had been a success. And more importantly, it had shown her just how strong our bounds are.

But I still have a feeling that Lakshya is not okay still, and is trying very hard to hide his pain under those grins and smiles.

Heyyyyyy Nixiess!💓
I hope you all are fine and top class. This is the new chapter. Enjoy, and do tell me in the comments what you liked the mosttt. I will be waitingggggggg.

Goodnight, take care and byeeee🌷💓.

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