Sexy Beast

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That human
Sexy as Fuck.

Props to his parents. Great genetics

I really hope i get classes with Phil.

*iPhone message ringtone thingy*

"Hmm" i said out loud

I check my phone and its Janice.

love heart: i seeeee youuuuuu

Uh awkward thing is that i dont see her. I begin to look around me.


I cant find her. Then.... shit happened. Some human tackled me.

"Ahhhh! GET LÉ FUCK OFF!!"

Lé person got off me, laughing. I turn around its Janice aka Love Heart....

"I got you good babe." she continued laughing at me.

Janice is really pretty. She has blonde hair, dark brown eyes, like me and most of lé world, and a kinda good personality. Her personality is more like, serious to my playful. Crazy to my slight chill. Deadly to my life. Yep, thats her. We've been dating for about 2years now.... i believe.

"Yep *pant pant* you did babe."

"Love you Danny." she said happily

"Love you too." honestly, i do love her but like i also dont in a way. I dont know why yet.

I finally caught my breath, she then put her arms around my sensitive neck and begun kissing in it. I gasped and put my hands on her waist but then a thought came in my head...

Sexy Beast.

And that we are in lé middle of lé parking lot. I stopped her and took her hand as we walked to lé doors of lé building.


I begin to do lé search again to find a human.

Nopeity nope nope

Cant find them.

Next thing i know, im on lé ground and some human is on top of me.

"Who lé fu-..... hey chris."

"Hiya Daniel. How are you?" he said with a smile.

Chris is my best friend in lé world. I knew him since... middle school. I was lé first person he came out to because of how his parents are. They are homophobic. But lé thing is, Chris is Bi. Yep and his parents still has a problem with it too. Shame. I still love him no matter what he is.

"Im good and i kinda need to talk to you Chris, in like private." i whispered in his ear.

"Hey Dan, come with me real quick to lé bathroom. I need to get lé thing we left secretly in there."

"I'll be back Janice," i kissed her, "dont worry."

"Alright." she smiled and went to find her friends.
thanks for reading this fanfic. i dont know how long it will be soooo yep

bye bye

tumblr: awkwardlymajestic
youtube: Awkwardly Majestic

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