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After having two heart attacks and meeting Sexy Beast and many teachers, i have been thinking alot.

Mainly Phil and my sexuality.

Am i gay?
Am i bi?
Am i straight? Ha! After i saw Phil, nah.

Phil's ass must be nice....

I begun thinking about texting Phil. We exchanged numbers since we literally have every class together and we live next door to each other ironically.

me: pfffttt

me: pffffttt phil

As i waited for a text back at 2am, i start thinking again about Phil's ass. One day i will touch dat ass.

*iPhone text message sound*
Sexy Beast: hiya Dan :3

me: yayyy im not alone ^_^

Sexy Beast: nope. im actually outside in my yard :3

As soon as i read that message, i ran to my window to see. Thats a plus to my room now. I have a view of Phil's room, if you know what i mean.

When i looked out i saw him wave at me, i blushed instantly for some reason. Good thing he cant see my face from that far.

Sexy Beast: come outside with me :3
Sexy Beast: pleaseeee dannnn im lonely ;-;

I giggled. I walked down lé stairs quietly and out lé door to my Phil. I dont know if he has someone. I gotta ask him tonight.

"Hey Dan." He smiles

Holy shit. If he gorgeous when he smiles, i wonder how he would look if he smirks or bites his lip. Nopeity nope nope to go with a side of bullshit. You dont need to get worked up now Dan.

"Hey Phil," i said happily.

He hugs me when i got closer towards him.

That hug was like better than my moms. I wrap my arms around his neck as he does to my waist. He's rubbing his thumb up and down on my waist and it feels heavenly. I look up at him and just stare at his electric blue eyes. They are so fucking beautiful.

"Thank you." he said

"What did i say?"

"You said that i have fucking beautiful blue eyes." he giggles but still holding me by my waist.

"Oh." i start to blush again and out of instinct, i put my face in his neck. "Im sorry if i creeped you out."

"Dan, its fine. Its adorable how you didnt realized you was thinking out loud." He holds me tighter. It was a comfortable tighter. I really liked it.

"Hey Phil, can i ask you a personal question?" i say into his neck

"Sure Dan, anything you like." He said calmly and still rubbing his thumb on my waist. Thats really comforting.

"Phil, are you dating anyone?"

"Nope but i do have a crush that i want to date."

Aw. They're probably sexy as fuck.
He could never like me-

I moan as a reflex. It was a sexual moan too. Phil grabbed my ass.
He grabbed my ass so... nicely.


"Yes, Dan." i smiled.

"Who is your crush?"
cliffhanger ooooo like its not obvious
im weird im srry

thanks for reading
bye bye

self- prooomoo
tumblr: awkwardlymajestic
youtube: Awkwardly Majestic

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