Anniversary: Part B

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Previously on: Am I straight?
When i looked at Phil, it looks like his eyes went red.

"Babe, close your eyes, please. I dont need a witness right now." Phil said while looking down.

"Okay..." i closed my eyes.

"Thank you." I looked up at lé fuckboys.

I bit lé one that was holding me.

"Ouch! Bitch!" he said.

He let go of me and i kicked Aaron. This time in lé shin. He instantly let go of Dan. I grabbed Dan's hand moved him by lé wall for his safety.

"Keep your eyes closed, Dan." i whispered to him and then kissed him on lips.

"Johnathan, i think he fucked up my leg!" Aaron yelled to Johnathan, im guessing.

"Actually, Aaron, i did fuck up your leg, *i begin walking towards him* and now i might fuck up your face, honestly." i said extremely calmly. "Tell your friend to never touch my boyfriend ever again or i will and truly enjoy, killing him on lé spot. Got it?" i smiled.

Aaron looks scared, great. "John, dont touch lé other one. Not worth it."

"Thanks, Aaron. You're nice. Now time to talk to John over there. *i begin to walk away* Oh! If you try to attack me from behind, you both are definitely are going to be killed." i said smiling.

"O-O-Ok." i heard Aaron say.

I walked up to John. He tried to hit me. I dodged his punch and i punched him in lé face. He falls to lé ground.

"You're very determined arent you. Shame." i get up and stepped on his knee. I slowly start pushing all my weight on it. "If you touch me or him, i will kill you on lé spot. Do you got it?" i smiled.

"Y-yes. Please get off my knee."

"Alright, since you asked nicely." i removed my foot and walk towards Dan and our luggage.

"Dan, you can open your eyes now."

When i opened my eyes, Aaron and Johnathan wasnt there. What did Phil do?

"I just threaten them. Thats it." he said

"Was i?" i asked.

"As usual, babe. We need to go home. I have something to do. Come on Dan." he grabbed my hand and pulled me to lé taxi.

_>skipping lé time: at home<_
I got 9mins till i begin lé anniversary.

"Phil, i'll be right back. Dont worry okay." I walk out lé house to lé backyard. I start setting up everything.


"Phil, i'll be right back. Dont worry okay." i heard Dan say before walking outside.

Time to set up. I need to get his gifts out. I run towards our room. I placed lé vanilla and cinnamon scented candles around, so lé room can smell good. I placed on of lé gifts on lé bed and put lé other in my pocket.

I am ready.
I am ready.


Out here, it luminated with fairy lights which hung from lé trees. In lé middle of lé yard, im standing there in pure nervousness. I really hope he likes it. I see him walk outside. Im ready.

Im ready for sure.

"Wooah. Dan, did you do all of this?" he asked in pure astonishment.

"Yes i did. I would like to ask you something Phil." I walk up towards him and grabs his hands.

I look down and take out lé promise ring i got him. "Phil, will you promise me two things?" i start out asking.

"Ill try, if you can promise me one thing also."

"Ill try also," i smiled, holding in my tears,"One: do not cry okay."

Phil looked down and said," I'll probably break lé promise." He started sniffing.

"Okay, I'll try and not cry. Phil, you really made me happy these past two months, which im really happy for. You really makes me feel loved everyday. I want to feel like that forever, so Phil... will you promise... to stay with me.... forever?" I started to cry as i pulled out lé promise ring i got him.

Phil put his head on my shoulder to hide his cry. I felt him nod his head. "Phil... can you look me in lé face and nod your head, please?"

"....y-yeah." He moved his head from my tear soaked shoulder and he nodded his head. "I promise, I'll be with you forever, Dan."

I pulled lé ring out of my pocket and placed lé ring on his ring finger. I hugged him tightly afterwards.

"Dan... uhh can i tell you lé promise?" he said as he was hugging me.

I loosen my grip of lé hug to look at him,"Yeah. You can tell me." im still recovering from lé crying i was doing.

"Dan... can you promise me that... you will stay with me forever, also?" He pulled out a promise ring also.

"Yes, i will stay with you forever. Its really funny how we both got lé same gifts." i giggled as he put lé ring in my finger.

"I also got you a teddy bear and thats upstairs on lé bed." he laughed.

"Wow. I love you, Philly."

"I love you too, Princess."
bad ending but oh well
thanks you for reading

bye bye

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