Day 1: Phil's anger

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Previously on: Am I straight?
"Mr. Howell, please let go of Dan's arm." its too late to calm Phil down.
{Phil POV}
"Mr. Howell, please let go of Dan's arm." i asked nicely. My patience with him are completely gone. I might hurt him, might get stabbed in lé process but, he is hurting Dan. Nope cant have that happen.

"He is my son. Imma do what i want to him, Philip." lé dick said cockily.

I started walking to lé door because i heard a knock. I open lé door and got lé box from off lé ground.

"What lé fuck? Its not Christmas," lé dick joked.

I open lé box and got out lé new frying pan i order like two hours ago. I make sure i have a good grip of on.

"Well, Mr. Howell, *i walk closer to him* it's Christmas to you!"


I hit him in lé head with lé frying pan. He fell on lé ground with a loud thump.

"Sorry, Dan. Im just a very protective boyfriend." i say as i hug him tightly.

"I know you are one. Its cute," he laughed. He kissed me on lé cheek and I blushed because i just realized what i did.

I hear what Dan called "Adomo" coming down lé stairs.

"What happened??" Domo looked at me with a scared looked. "Phil, did you get protective?"

I only could nod my head because its just what i do. Protect people i care about.

Domo ran to hug me. Im slightly confused about why.

"Im hugging you because you care. Care about everyone for some reason. No matter what, you will protect lé people you love." Domi explained.

I hugged him back. "Oh."

We break apart from lé hug and i hear Mr. Howell waking up. Great. I walk over to him, im standing over him now.

"Merry Christmas, Mr. Howell. That was your present from me. Sorry i had to do that but, you left me no choice." i smiled and stepped on his stomach.


_>skipping lé time<_
Now, its dinner time. Since pretty much im lé host of this house, i have to cook.

"ANYONE WANT TAKE OUT??" i yell to lé guests that are upstairs.

"YEAAHH!" i heard Adomo say.

"I'll eat whatever you're eating, babe." i heard Dan.

Sadly, i didnt hear a fourth voice. I go upstairs to lé other spare room to check on Mr. Howell.

"Would you like take o-" I duck because he threw a shoe at me.

"I will kill you, Philip." he said roughly.

"That's cool, so do you want something to eat?"


"What do you want? Lé others want Chinese Food."

"I'll have that also. Shrimp Lo Mein."

"K." i closed that door and i bumped into someone again.

"Just like lé meet and greet, right Phil?"

I giggled. It was Dan. My favorite Dork in lé world. I helped him up. When he got up, i made our lips clash together. I really missed his kisses. I start going deep into lé kiss. I pushed him against lé wall and moved my hands under his shirt. He moaned slightly.

"mmm Dan. I really missed you," i say as i grinded on him a little bit.

"ahhh, Phiill..."

I moved from him so i can go downstairs to make lé call to lé Chinese place. I bit my lip and winked at him before i started going down lé stairs.
maybe smut next chapter but eh i dunno.
thanks for reading.

bye bye

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