Dan's Birthday

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*i forgot how old they are soooo Dan's turning 21 and Phil's 22. enjoy.
p.s: im stopping at 50chapters.*

Yayyyyy im 21! Thats cool. Time experience life and be an young adult.

I wish i was 12 again...

"Hey, Daniel. You are older than last year! Happy Birthday to my favorite person ever!" Phil said as he moved to straddle me.

"...Phil you should not move right now," i warned him. I kinda have a unexpected boner right at lé moment. And im pretty close. Even after that i just came earlier.

He pulled me up by my shoulders and kisses me passionately and started grinding slowly on me.

"..I heard you... earlier," he whispers. "I heard you call my name. I had to help you out while you were sleep, babe."

See that's relationship goals. But i already achieved it.

_> skipping lé smut (im srry guys) <_

After my wake up call, Phil had made breakfast for everybody. Didnt even burn lé house. Im proud of him. I really do love after all these years. I believe 5years. Woah, times fly when you are having sex a lot.

Everyone's downstairs, even Dickavan. Im mean, Donavan. I could care less about him. Today is my birthday so time to have fun with my boyfriend.




After we all had a delicious breakfast, ironically enough, everyone had plans today. Adomo is going a movie, my dad and his sorry excuse for a boyfriend is going to lé beach and there's me and Phil. We are stay at home. I am happy.

"Hey, Dan. I'll be right back. I got to get some groceries." Phil kissed me and squeezed my ass as he left lé house.

Im home alone, for lé first time in years. What shall i do?

_> 2mins later <_


I just ended up reading fanfic and watching Attack on Titans. Eren's not stupid. He just dont know how to express himself. Which makes him stupid.


I got up, to calm my fanboy nature to get me something to eat.

Pantry has Pop Tarts, i thought to myself

Open pantry, no pop tarts.

Check lé cabinets, cereal Dan,

No milk, Dan.


There is popcorn. Coooool.

"Pop Pop goes lé popcorn," i sing as its popping in lé microwave.

"Dan! Dont eat yet! We are going somewhere, right now."

Goddammit Phil. Right when i has about to eat.

"Alright, but where are we going?" i take out lé moderately popped popcorn and threw it away. I died inside a little. I begin walking towards my boyfriend so i could hear him better.

"Just come on. We need to go now!"

Its only 3 in lé afternoon. What is he planning?

"Dan, stop questioning me. Come onnnn lets go!" he said.

I got dressed again and walked out lé door with Philip lé Planner.

_>skipping to late night<_

Philip lé Planner actually planned something good. When we left, we went to movies. I ate there and it was for free. That cinema was having a happy hour type of thing. Like for any couple or something like that, could whatever they want free. Also, Phil's brother works there so yeah.

After we left there, we met up with Chris and Pj and we all played Twister. My bones hurt now.

Now, i dunno where we are going now. Phil wont tell me.

"Phil, why do i hear music?"

"Because you have ears."

Smartass. But i still love him to pieces.

"Phil, dont be an asshole. Where are you taking me? This could be considered kidnapping," i warned. He just laughs full-heartedly. Rude.

"Im taking you to a Kanye Concert because i care," he smiled.

My heart stopped beating, my legs stopped moving and my mouth could close. Im just in shock.

He turned around and faced me. He took something out of his pocket. A small black box?We now have at least a centimeter of distance between us now.

"Now, Dan," he whispers.

"Y-yes?" i answered.

"Im not about get on one knee right now because my knees hurt from twister, okay?"

I nodded my head.

"Now Dan, dont make a scene right now okay, but...

I fainted.
cliffhanger ish. srry. I procrastinate a lot.
thanks for reading and for more than 600reads.
you guys are cool.


requested by Rose_Is_SuchA_dork


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