Lé Figure

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As i walk closer to lé figure, i realized that its a person. Male, hopefully?

"Oi! Mate, over there!" i heard it say.

"Yeeeeeeah...." i said slightly timidity.

They walked closer and i can definitely can make out that it's a person. Male, hopefully.

I start walking towards him/her/it to look at them, correctly.

"Hey! Are you a teen?" he asked.

Is he cute? A Phil look-a-like maybe? Is he cute?

"Yeah. You?" i asked honestly.

We finally got close, and i have to say... People these days have perfect genetics. Like damn.

He has hazel eyes and like dyed pale green hair. He has a dark complexion but, it was beautiful. His variety of colors brings out his beautiful skin.

"Yeah, im a teenager, surprisingly." he chuckled. His laugh is gorgeous.

"Cool... im uhh Adrien." damn it, awkwardness runs in lé family, i guess.

"Wow, you're cute. My name is Dominic. Do you wanna hangout, Adrien?" He is a flirt. Cool.

"Yeah sure, Dominic. You seem fun." i said towards Dominic, then i turned towards Dan and Phil,"PHIIIIIL, I MADE A FRIEND! ILL BE WITH HIM!"

"K! HAVE FUN AND SAFE SEX!" Dan yelled instead of Phil.

I started to blush because Dan knows me well. Domino, thats my nickname for him, giggled and grabbed my hand to pull me to somewhere. I turned a deeper shade of red.

As we are walking, we started to get to know each other as we are holding hands like a couple. Im not really a couple person but, it wont hurt to try.

"...I dunno, i rather haaaaave a tiger, maybe. Hey, Adri, how old are you?" He asked.

"Im turning 16 in like a month or so. You?" i really hope that doesnt interfere with our relationship. I really like him.

"Im actually 17. Just turnt 17 actually." he smiled.

"Lucky... but oh well."

Then we stopped. Well, he stopped and then i stopped. I looked around and was kinda worried because im not by Phil and Dan. Mainly Phil. I felt a little uncomfortable because we are nowhere near lé campsite. Oh no.

"Adri, honestly i like you, i would like to kiss you and all but, i cant."

"uhhh why?" im starting to get slightly scared.

"Because you are a prize. You are just something i had to get for a job."

"Wait, what! So you pretty much just kidnapped me?" im starting to get angry.

"Pretty much. You're smart."

Dominic pushed me into a tree and i was knocked out instantly.

When i woke up, i was in a building. An unknown building. Oh no. I actually want my brother at lé moment....
thanks for reading. this isnt a good chapter in my opinion but eh.

bye bye

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