Stan Reasoning

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I actually want to hear my dad explanation. I grabbed my drink and took a sip and started listening.

"I dont believe in that type of stuff." He said.

"Dad, do you believe in love then? If so then you believe in gays. Think about it." Adrian is right.

Like if you believe in love, you believe that people can love whoever they please. If not, thats stupid.

"Yes, i do bel-"

"Okay then, why do you hate gays?" i interrupted. Im slowly but surely starting to get angry. It's seems like he dont have a good reason why. He cant back up his theory because it might be stupid.

"Because Dan... i grew up that way," he kinda explains. But i know he is lying because i even told grandma about me and Phil and she was perfectly fine and even told granddad and he just didnt care.

"Stan, not trying to be rude but i met both sides of Dan's grandparents and they were fine with me dating Dan. What's lé real reason, Stan?" Phil said.

I look at my dad and he shows no type of emotion. Then he sighs. I guess he is about to say something.

"Honestly, i dont have a reason. I just dont like them. Its against my religion as a child of God."

I snickered and just begin laughing. I dont about religion that much but, he is technically taking orders from a book. Shame. Plus he dont believe in God like me and Adrian here.

Lie #2

"Wow, dad. Thats funny. You dont believe in God. What's lé real reason?" I calmed myself down from my laughing.

"You actually do listen. So proud," he commented. "I just think its right. Like, how do you have kids? How do you explain to someone who you are without someone judging you?" he paused.

"Because i couldnt do that when i was younger."

Wait! Hold lé fuck up!




Was gay/ bi?

Adrian choked on his food, Domo trying to save Adrian. Phil looking at Stan with a straight face and im just looking at my dad with a fuck ton of confusion.

"Dad, what?" i spoke up.

"Yeah. Blah blah im was bi. Blah blah im a hypocrite. Blah blah im a human. I was a like you when i was younger honestly. Dating girls but checking out guys." he got quieter as he spoke.

"I even dated a guy. He kinda looked like Phil with full honesty. We was together foooorrrr about... 4 maybe 5years. Then we had to break up because of his parents. They were homophobic. Like very anti-gay.  It really made me sad that i lost someone i cared about but, then i met your mother and blah blah Dan happened blah blah Adrian happened 2years later blah blah i left her blah blah i have a boyfriend at home. Oops wasnt suppose to say that. Well now you know." he smiled. It was a forced-like smile that you do to make people think you're okay.

Im just stunned. Phil is confused. Adrian choked again and to lé rescue Domi.
thanks for 300reads even though im sucking at updating at lé moment :) thanks.

bye bye

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