What Dad said

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Okay, so lé plan:

-move Donavan to lé couch
-flee upstairs

Okay. Moving Donavan. So i grabbed his arms and tried to pull him that way.


Wrapped my arms around his chest.


"Why you so heavy? Or am i just to weak?" i looked towards a wall like on The Office. "Lé second one."

Lé last option.

"Hey, uhh, Chris.." i called Chris.

"Sup, Danny? Dead body?" he joked.

"Uhhh, how about unconscious body?"

"Hmm, okay- Wait??? What!" he kinda yelled.

"Chris, I'll tell you when-"

Knock Knock

"Im here, bioatch!" He opens lé door with a grand entrance. Typical Chris. "Tell me lé- he sexy but, what happened?" He continued looking at Donavan up and down.

"Umm, okay. Well...

_>One Explanation Later<_

...and now you are here," i smiled. Then i noticed how intense he is looking at my dad, soon-to-be ex-boyfriend. Hmm maybe a next candida-

"Hey Da- What happened?" Dad walked in with a smile but, that went away. His look was disappointment not worried, only disappointment. I wonder if this is lé first time he said that.

"Uhh... Dad? Is this-"

"No. It's not lé first time. It's our relationship, honestly." he walked up towards us and helped us move him to lé couch.

"Mr. Howell, what type of relationship is it?" Chris asked, straining. Donavan is fucking heavy. Im not just weak.

"Well, its kinda confusing but, okay. Me and dickhead right there, we are kinda like Swingers not also not. We do lé blah blah with other people like swingers but, we have slightly different views on lé term." he explained as he was walking to kitchen. Maybe getting ice.

"What's your view?" i wondered and spoke out loud.

"My view is: we can go have sex with any other human being and wont have a problem with it. His view is: i can only be a swinger not my partner. So, i usually go through this maybe...," he wondered off. He walked in with a homemade ice pack and placed it on Donavan's head.

"How long, Mr. Howell?" Chris sounded interested.

"Oh, we have been together for... 4 1/2 years now sooooo..... bout 4years. I believe." he answered truthfully.

I moved my head to look at lé sorry excuse of a boyfriend my dad has in his life. I kinda feel bad but, eh. Shit happens.

"Dan, dont look like that. I know he is a horrible boyfriend but-" i interrupted him.

"But you love him," i say, annoyed.

"No! What?? I loved your mother. I had to love you and your brother. I dont love him." he corrected.

"Then why you say with him for that long?" then i processed what he said, "Hey Dad. Thats fucked up." He had to love me and Adrian.

Thats messed up.

I understand Adrian but, me. Im lovable... sometimes. Ohhhhhh okay. I understand.


"Only because, of family."

"Hey uhhh Dan. I gotta go meet Pj soooo bye!" Chris waved and walked out lé house.

"What you mean about family?"
im a procrastinator im srry.

thanks for reading
bye bye

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