Dinner Time Plan

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{Dan POV}
My damn dad killed lé mood and then lé food is here. Great. Ill probably get fucking blue balls now. Thanks dad.

I get dressed again and i see Phil just opens lé door to get lé food in just his boxers. Bold.

"Thank you. Have a good night." i heard Phil say. He looks soooo attractive right now. I really want him and i dont care who's around.

Then i had a plan. I walk upstairs to get Adomo and tell them lé plan i came up with. Well, tell Domo maybe. I might change my mind. I tried to open lé door but it was locked.

"Adrian! Dominic! If you guys are doing lé sexy times stop, i have an idea that will be pleasurable." i said wickedly.

"I know you're doing lé sexy, but lets do it at lé dinner table to irritate Dad. It would be fun and pleasing for all of us. Well, except for Dad." i kinda yell into lé door.

I moved away from lé door because i heard it unlock. Not to my surprise, i see Adrian face flushed with a boner and Dominic with a soon-to-be hickey on his neck also with a boner. As lé embarrassing brother i am, i had to say:

"Nice boners you two. Now, do you two have condoms and lube?" i smiled full on knowing im embarrassing Adrian.

"Dan. Shut lé fuck up! Yes we have enough and yes we will do it at lé table." Adrian is turning red. Im proud of myself as a big brother. "Also, *he points to Domi's hard on* that is mine. So dont look at it."

I chuckled. "Well, thats cool. Also i know you two have a crush on Phil, I'll allow you two to look at Phil. He's wearing boxers only at lé moment. Enjoy lé view for today only. Any other, i will kill you. Also food is downstairs."

They both just blushed at each other and whispered something. I went downstairs to talk to Phil about lé plan. My view of him is from lé back. Its not my favorite but it's cool. I went up to him and hugged him from behind at first, but Phil turned around in my arms to face me.

"Honestly, Phil," i start off. He looked me in lé eye, i noticed his eyes are full of something. He started smirking and grinded into me. I really wanted to be loud but i really cant so i just hissed instead.

"mmmm i hate you." thats all i could say.

"I know dont. You love me. No matter," he grabbed my ass, I moaned loudly. "what i do."

I guess ill tell him later.
srry but lé smut part will but up today
thanks for reading

bye bye

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