Good Evening

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Previously on: Am I straight?
I opened lé door and was confused by who it was...
"Good evening, uhhh... Janice." i said confused as hell.

"Hi, Dan. Why are you here?" she asked rudely.

"Who's at lé do- oh. Its her. Dan close lé door, please." Phil said.

I begin to close lé door but, she is determined to come in Phil and i's home. She thought.

"Wait! I want to apologize." she said defeatedly.

I look at Phil, he nods his head. I gave Janice lé death stare [like in lé picture]

"Come in Janice." i finally said.

Phil went to get me a shirt, since im shirtless at lé moment. Janice and i sits in lé living room in an awkward but tension filled silence.

Phil came back from his/our room with a shirt for me.

"Thanks Philip." i smiled at him.

"Welcome Daniel," he smiled,"What do you want Janice?" he frowned instantly.

"Well, i want to apologize for ruining your life 8th grade year. But, i still dont like you because you're bi-" i cut her off.

"Sorry ass apology. Can you leave this house and never come back unless you're leaving an correct apology letter to Phil. Bye bye."

"But-"Janice started.

"But nothing. Please leave Janice. Dan is irritated seems like it and that was a shitty apology, so im being lé 17year old that i am, and asking you to leave nicely. So please leave our house." Phil said calmly,"Good evening Janice."

She had her head low in shame im hoping. She really pissed me off, like that was really shitty of her.

"Yes, i know Dan. I was there." Phil giggled

"Im thinking out loud again, arent i?" i smiled.

"Yeah. Its fine though. Its funny."

"Shhhhh. Just let me sit on your lap."

"Ughhh k." he chuckled.

"Yayyyy!" I sat on his lap and it was comfy. We sat like that tell we got hungry. We ordered pizza since we are lazy people.

*Knock Knock*
"Philly, i need lé money."

"Its on lé floor by lé door." I heard him laugh.

I picked up his wallet and opened lé door and guess who it is...

Pj! Chris's Boyfriend.

"Here's your pizza. That'll be- oh Heyyyy Dan! Wassup?" he said.

"Pretty good. You?"

"Working. Aye we should all hangout, tonight after i get off work, how does that sound?" he offered.


"That's sounds fun." When he turned around he looked happy. "Pj?"

"Phil?" Pj walks in to get a good look at Phil. "PHILLLL!!"

"PEEEEEJJJJ!!" Phil ran and hugged Pj. "Dan i knew Pj since about, 6th grade but he moved 7th grade. I didnt know you moved back here?"

"I moved back like a few months ago. Oh my god, i cant wait to catch up tonight. I gotta go and do my job. See you guys later!" Pj left.

"I didn't know you knew him, Philly. He's dating Chris, by lé way."

"Really? Ayee double date!" He kissed me on my neck and we begun eating lé pizza and continued watching tv.

Perfect Day.
Thanks for reading.
bye bye

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youtube: Awkwardly Majestic

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