Okay, no.

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Phil left me alone with my Dad and Donavan. Adomo is at a concert. Free concert. They dont pay bills let alone have a job. Anywho, im alone with-

"Dan! I gotta go..."

Donavan. Left alone with Donavan. Great.

"K! Dont get attacked." i yell back at Dad.

As soon as that door closed, Donavan comes up to me. All in my personal space.

"Hmmm Dan. It suits you." he commented.

"Yep. I guess." i turn around and head upstairs. He grabbed me by lé waist and pulled me closer. He is persistent.

"Let go of me. As you saw, i have a boyfriend."

"I also heard." he added. I feel my face getting hot. Oh no. "You sounded good. Too bad I couldnt watch."

Okay, no. He has my dad. I tried with my lack of physical strength to get out of his hold. I couldnt. Its a shame.

"What if.."


"...i could make you satisfied, instead of him?"


"Okay, no. You have my dad. *i tried again at pushing away* *fails, again* So please move." I struggled.

"You look cute when you try to resist." he got closer to my face. He is trying to kiss me. If he does, imma do a Phil move and run- well, speed  walk up lé stairs is clean my mouth.

I wish Phil was here.


Donavan falls to lé floor. Huh?

I see Phil. Phil is holding a pan. Phil is angry. Phil love me.

"Phil-" he jogged up to me and hugged me tightly.

"Dan, im sorry, again."

"Its okay. I know you are protective. Im not mad at you or anything. Im actually happy and kinda worried about my dad. Should we tell him?"

Phil moved from lé hug and looked at lé unconscious body on lé floor.

"Uhhh no. Not yet. But i have a feeling i would say something if he comes at me wrong. So yeah. Keep him from me for a bit." he explained.

I nodded my head in agreement. I grabbed Phil's hand and kissed him. And kinda pushed him against a wall like how he did me, earlier. I rubbed my hand over his slowly getting hard dick. He hummed but, he grabbed my hand.

"Sorry babe. I still gotta see my mom. I came back to get some pictures. Im really sorry."

That really bummed me out. I had high hopes for lé taste of-

"I'll fucking kill you, kid!"

I see Donavan get up and walk towards Phil. I feel something... protection mixed with something.

"You're not going to fucking touch him!" i say with pure anger.

Protection mixed with Anger.

"Oh, ha ha. What lé fuck you are going to do, twat?" he spat.

"You're are a fuckboy." I heard Phil say.

"What you-"

"A FUCKBOY! DONAVAN IS A FUCKBOY!" he repeated louder for lé deaf person in lé room.

Donavan went red. He might kill us but, at least i can die with my Phil.

I turned around and hugged Phil for maybe lé last time and he said something.

"Run to lé frying pan." he whispered.

I took fall- well half-ass jogged to lé frying pan. I made sure i had a good grip and i hit Donavan in lé head. He went down again.

"Phil, go. I'll be fine."

He looks at Donavan and walks out of the house.

Wow. What is dad going to say?
aww thanks for reading this story. it has over 400reads. Love ya!

Also! i need smut and fluff prompts for oneshots. Please be helpful.

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