Phil Lester

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Chris and I got to lé bathroom, i think about how im going to tell Chris.

Chris, i think i like-, no
uhh i kinda lik-, no
I'll wing it.

"Chris, do you know someone named Phil?" i start off

He had that thinking face. What if you does? Oh my god, i will be happy.

"Phil Lester? Does he has like black hair and blue eyes?" He finally said.

Shit. Thats him.

Phil Lester.

Sexy Beast.

Same difference.

"....yeah. How you know him?"

"We met innnnnnnnnn 6th? 7th grade. He was my seat buddy, in, uhhhh, Ms. Bitch's class, aka Ms. Bench. My northern accent always gets me in trouble."

I laugh. He was right. "He was? I had that class with you too. How come i havent notice."

That was lé year i met Janice. I kinda regret it now. Ughhhhh liiiiiffffeeee.

"By lé way, Phil's bi like me," he smiled.

"Ayeee thats cool, Chris." i said with false excitement. Only because i could have met Sexy Beast in 7th grade instead of now. I could have been dating him.

Wait. What.

Im straight, right?

"Hey Chris."

"Yes, Daniel."

"Do i- uhh. Am i-. Chris... nevermind." i couldnt figure out what i want to ask.

"Daniel, do you like Phil?" he said not looking at me but at himself in lé mirror.

How lé flying flip figglehorn (A/N: thats how i curse sometimes)

How did he- what

"No i cant read your mind, Dan. I know your faces and body languages. We known each other for 5years. Remember" he smiled still not looking at me.

This bitch is... true.
Creepy but true.

Chris is a true Best Friend. Janice dont even know when i need to go to lé bathroom let alone how i feel.

"I think i might be gay for Phil, Chris." i finally say.

He ran up on me and hugged me tightly.

"I knew it." He proudly said.

I rolled my eyes,"Shut up you spork."

"Love you too, Dan."

We ended lé hug and held hands instead. That usually comforts me whenever im....

Wait how lé fuck did he know im confused about something?

"How lé fuck do you do that?"

"Whatcha mean?" he asked

"Know my emotions before me... know what, for get it."

He smiled. We begin to leave and i bump into someone again for lé second time today.

"Oh my god, again," lé person with lé recognizing voice laughed.

Phil Lester

"Hey Phil." i giggled as he helps me up.

"Hey Dan." he smiled that gorgeous smile.

"See you later Dan," he giggled because i started staring at him.

"uhh See ya later Phil." i finally say.

"See ya Philip," Chris says.

"See you Chrissy," he laughed.

Out of lé blue, Chris hits my butt and says,"Your ass is k, but Phil's ass is perfect."

I started blushing because i thought of Phil's ass. Chris always touch me inappropriately. except my dick. Thats a no.
thanks for reading.

bye bye

self- prooomooo
tumblr: awkwardlymajestic
youtube: Awkwardly Majestic

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