Phil side of lé Story

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-these part will be all Phil-
Previously on: Am I straight?

Adrien kissed him.
When i was outside with Adrien, i instantly felt awkward around him. Like while was talking to his mum, he kept moving closer to me. I had to be polite and show that im good for my Dan.

When me and Adrien had to go outside, i tensed up.

As i was walking outside, he touched my butt. I gasped because my butt is my sweet spot.

"Oooh Phil. Do you like it when i do- he touches my butt again -this?"

"Honestly no. I know it may seem like i do, but i dont. I like it when your brother does it. Not you. Sorry." i start backing away from him.

"But, Phil. I can treat you better than my brother." he held me close towards him. I really dont like this.

"Nooo, Dan treats me perfectly fine, thank you for offering."

I going red because he's moving his hands down my spine to my butt again. Surprisingly, he's really strong and determined to get me to like him. Props to a hormonal teenager.

I was like him when i met Dan, but at least i got to know him first!

"Phil, what are you thinking about? You look good when your thinking." he interfered with my thought process.

"My boy- *i try to push him off. didnt work* -friend." i said straining.

"Aww. I really wish i had you instead of my brother," he whispered. Then he moved closely to my face.

"Uhhh.... Adrien... consent please."

"Nah. I got get what i want, Phil."

After he said that, he kissed me. I felt so disgusting. I slipped out of his grasp and ran to lé bathroom to clean my mouth.

Adrien kissed me.
short chapter sorry kinda not sorry
thanks for reading

bye bye

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youtube: Awkwardly Majestic

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