
119 6 1

London, UK


"Yeahh, party!"

"Hey, Paul stop doing that!" I shout at him because of what he's doing.

We're at a club today, they invited me because tomorrow I'm going back to the Philippines.

I drink my alcohol and my two friends are now in a mess.

I just look around and watch people dancing and getting drunk.

While watching people dancing, someone caught my attention. I don't know why but everything seemed to go in slow motion when I saw her.

She was happy while grinding her body along with the music here at the club.

She was wearing a silver silk dress and it was fit to her body, I can see her body curve. Half of her legs can be seen.

"Yohooo! My man will leave this country!" I look at Paul and shake my head because of his craziness.

He is really drunk. I drink my alcohol and look again to the girl who caught my attention.

I don't know what's going on with me. I'm not like this, yes everytime that I will see a sexy girl I'll be attracted but that's all, not like this. Like, I want her. I want her to be beside me.

I shake my head because of what I'm thinking and drink my alcohol again.

I saw her that she's going to the island bar so I stand to my seat and walk to the island bar.

"Girl, you're so wild today!" Annika shout a little bit to me. I laugh at what she said.

As usual were here in club and making this night to become wild.

I don't know what happened to me that I want to be wasted tonight.

I dance my body with the sound of the music. I smile, laugh at do something crazy.

"Hey, Talia stop being crazy. The night is still young!" Julie preached to me and stole my alcohol. I pouted.

" HAHAHAHA you're friend is so crazy tonight. What did you ate that you're like this?" Annika asked and I just smile at him.

We continue dancing and talking about random things when my another version is become active.

I can see a young man who's eyeing on me, I think he's keeping his eye on me a minutes now.

He look handsome and hot but not my type. Not my type, huh? But I'm secretly eyeing on him too, tch.

"I'm going to the island bar!" I shout because we can't hear if I will talk to my normal voice. They nod their head and I make my way to the island bar.

"One vodka please" I tell to the bartender and he make my order.

While waiting to my order, I look around and I can see my friends enjoying the night. I shake my head because I can see that some guys are eyeing on them.

I get my phone to my sling bag and I open it. When I open it I can see the messages from someone.

Tinitigan ko lang ito at hindi binuksan. "Here's your order ma'am" I took my alcohol and drink it in one go. "One more please" I said and the bartender do his job.

"Can I join you?" Tumingin ako sa lalaking tumabi sa akin. Siya yung nakita kong nakatingin sa akin kanina.

"That seat is free, so you can" Mataray na sabi ko at hindi na ito pinansin. Kinuha ko yung order kong vodka at nilagok ito.

"It's look like you're in bad mood, this night should be a happy night"

"Yeah, this night should be happy but now... It's no longer a happy night" I tell him and make an eye contact. I like his eyes, what? No!

"Chill, I just want to know you"

"And why do you want to know me?"

"I don't know, I just want to know you and maybe I can be part of your life too" I look away because I can feel my cheeks become red and I'll be honest that he got me to that cheeky lines.

Nag-order ako ng isang bottle ng vodka at ininom ito sa may bote. Tumayo ako at papaalis na sana nung may maisip ako. Lumingon ako sa direction niya at nakatingin pala siya sa akin.

"If you want to be part of my life... then you should start carrying a gun" I said and drink my vodka and I wink at her then leave.

Look in the eyes (Sandro Marcos)Where stories live. Discover now