Chapter 5: Party rendezvous (1)

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The night of the party arrived quickly. Hoshi arrived at So Young's studio, parking his sleek black car at the curb. He took a deep breath, trying to calm the nerves that had inexplicably surfaced. He always felt a mixture of excitement and anxiety when he was about to see So Young. Tonight, more than ever, he needed everything to go perfectly.

He knocked on the door and waited. When So Young opened it, Hoshi's breath caught. She looked stunning in a deep blue evening gown that highlighted her elegant figure. Her hair was styled in soft waves, and her makeup was understated yet sophisticated.

"Wow, So Young, you look incredible," Hoshi said, offering her a warm smile.

"Thank you," So Young replied, a blush creeping up her cheeks as she took his hand.

Hoshi extended his arm, and So Young took it. Together, they walked to the car, and Hoshi opened the door for her, ensuring she was comfortable before closing it and getting in himself. As they drove towards the party, the air between them was filled with a mixture of anticipation and unspoken tension. The drive to the mansion was filled with soft music and comfortable silence. So Young stared out the window, her mind drifting between thoughts of Joo-wan and the night ahead. 

The mansion where the party was being held was nothing short of magnificent. It stood on a sprawling estate, surrounded by perfectly manicured gardens and towering trees. The driveway was lined with luxury cars, and the mansion itself was illuminated with soft, ambient lighting that gave it an almost ethereal glow.

So Young couldn't help but feel a pang of envy. The luxury and grandeur of the place were a stark reminder of the world she was a part of, yet always felt slightly detached from. Hoshi noticed her expression and squeezed her hand reassuringly.

"It's just a house, So Young. The people inside are what's important," he said softly.

She nodded, pushing her conflicting emotions aside. They stepped out of the car, and Hoshi offered his arm, guiding her toward the entrance. As they entered the mansion, they were greeted by various top CEOs and influential figures. Hoshi was in his element, effortlessly charming everyone he spoke to. So Young stayed by his side, playing the role of the supportive partner, but her mind kept drifting to Joo-wan and the words he had spoken to her the previous night.

The hall was magnificently decorated, with crystal chandeliers casting a soft glow over the room. Waiters moved gracefully among the guests, offering drinks and hors d'oeuvres. Hoshi and So Young were escorted to their table, where they could observe the room and mingle with other attendees.

Across the room, Wonwoo stood with a glass of whiskey in hand, his eyes scanning the crowd. He had arrived early, much to his reluctance, and was already strategizing how to make the most of the evening. His eyes locked onto Hoshi and So Young as they entered, and for a split second, his gaze met Hoshi's. A strange feeling washed over him, something he couldn't quite place. It was as if he recognized Hoshi, though they had never met before.

Hoshi, on the other hand, didn't think much of the brief eye contact. He was more focused on making sure So Young felt comfortable and ensuring their presence was noted by the other guests.

Wonwoo watched them from a distance, his sharp eyes missing nothing. He saw the way Hoshi carried himself with confidence and how So Young seemed slightly out of place, her smile not quite reaching her eyes. He filed this observation away, knowing it could be useful later.

Mingyu approached Wonwoo, handing him a glass of champagne. "Enjoying the party, Boss?"

Wonwoo took the glass, nodding slightly. "It's interesting, Mingyu."

As the evening progressed, Hoshi and So Young mingled with the guests. Hoshi introduced her to several important figures, hoping to solidify their relationship in the eyes of their social circle. So Young, despite her internal conflict, played her part well, engaging in polite conversation and smiling at the right moments.

As the night progressed, Wonwoo excused himself from the party, citing urgent matters in the underworld that required his attention. He left discreetly, knowing that his absence wouldn't be immediately noticed in the bustling atmosphere of the event.

That's when Joo-wan made his entrance. Dressed impeccably in a tailored suit, he exuded an air of confidence and charm that drew the attention of many guests. Hoshi spotted him from across the room and made his way over, a warm smile on his face.

"Joo-wan! I didn't expect to see you here," Hoshi greeted him with a firm handshake.

Joo-wan returned the smile, though his eyes held a hint of something darker. "Hoshi, it's good to see you. I wouldn't miss an event like this."

So Young, standing by Hoshi's side, felt her heart skip a beat at the sight of Joo-wan. She had hoped he wouldn't be here, yet there he was, as composed as ever. She managed to keep her expression neutral as Hoshi introduced her.

"Joo-wan, this is my girlfriend, So Young," Hoshi said, his voice filled with pride.

Joo-wan extended his hand to So Young, his smile never faltering. "So Young, it's a pleasure to meet you."

So Young took his hand, forcing a polite smile. "Likewise, Joo-wan."

Despite the calm facade, the air between them was charged with unspoken tension. They played their parts well, acting as if they were strangers meeting for the first time. Hoshi, oblivious to the underlying currents, continued to chat with Joo-wan, introducing him to a few other guests.

As the evening continued, Hoshi found himself lost in the warmth of familiar faces and cherished memories. S.Coups and Jeonghan had always been like brothers to him, and their presence brought a sense of comfort and joy. The conversation flowed easily, filled with laughter and shared stories.

"Remember the time we almost got suspended for that prank?" S.Coups laughed, clinking his glass with Hoshi's.

Jeonghan chuckled, shaking his head. "Oh, that was all my doing. I still can't believe we pulled it off!"

Hoshi grinned, shaking his head in mock exasperation. "You were always the mischievous one, Jeonghan hyung. We were lucky to get away with it."

Jeonghan's eyes twinkled with pride. "It was worth it, though. We had the entire school talking for weeks!"

As they reminisced, So Young returned, slipping back into her place beside Hoshi. He noticed her slightly flushed cheeks and gave her a concerned look, but she quickly reassured him with a smile.

"You okay?" he asked softly.

"Yes, just needed a moment," she replied, squeezing his hand gently.

S.Coups and Jeonghan exchanged a glance before S.Coups spoke up, changing the subject. "So, Hoshi, Jeonghan and I have some news."

Hoshi raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What's that?"

Jeonghan beamed, his mischievous grin softening into something more genuine. "We're getting married next month."

Hoshi's eyes widened in surprise and delight. "That's amazing! Congratulations, you two!"

S.Coups nodded, his expression filled with happiness. "Yeah, we've been planning it for a while now. We wanted to make sure you knew, and we hope you can make it to the wedding."

Hoshi's smile was radiant. "Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world hyung."

As they continued to chat, Hoshi felt a renewed sense of happiness. While So Young excused herself for her rendezvous night. 

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