Chapter 11: The half truth

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Wonwoo stood in his study, holding Hoshi's note. His heart pounded with a mix of emotions: anticipation, hope, and a touch of fear. The idea that Hoshi might be Tiger, his lost friend, seemed almost too good to be true. But the evidence was compelling, and he knew he couldn't let this opportunity slip away.

As he prepared to call Hoshi, Mingyu walked in, his expression serious but with a glint of excitement in his eyes.

"Boss, I've found some information about Hoshi's past," Mingyu said, handing over a folder. "It seems he lived in the same area where you grew up until he was about eleven, which coincides with when Tiger stopped coming to the garden."

Wonwoo's heart raced as he opened the folder. Inside, he found detailed information about Hoshi's childhood. Hoshi's parents had passed away when he was just a child, and he had always been looked upon to bear all the responsibilities of the Kwon family, a prestigious family. When the family discovered he was sneaking around and not fulfilling his duties as the heir, they sent him to the U.S. to complete his schooling. He was eleven years old at that time. This information was relayed by an old maid who had worked for the Kwons for a very long time.

As Wonwoo absorbed all of this, he felt a surge of certainty. Hoshi was his Tiger. He took a deep breath and dialed Hoshi's number.

Hoshi had just finished his shift at the hospital and was heading back to his small yet luxurious apartment when he saw an unknown number calling him. He didn't think much of it but decided to pick up the call, his voice still sounding tired.

"Hello, this is Hoshi," he answered.

"Hoshi, it's Wonwoo," came the reply, filled with a mix of warmth and urgency.

Hoshi's spirits immediately lifted. "Wonwoo! It's good to hear from you. Is everything okay?"

"Yes, everything's fine. I read your note. Thank you for leaving it. I was hoping we could meet for lunch or dinner tomorrow. There's something important I need to discuss with you," Wonwoo said, his voice steady but his heart pounding.

Hoshi felt a mix of happiness and relief. "I'd love that. Let's do lunch. I owe you for your kindness anyway."

"Perfect. How about we meet at Le Jardin, the restaurant near the riverside?" Wonwoo suggested.

"Le Jardin sounds great. I'll see you there at noon," Hoshi agreed, feeling a sense of anticipation for the first time in years.

After hanging up, Wonwoo turned to Mingyu. "Cancel all my appointments for tomorrow."

Mingyu raised an eyebrow. "But, Boss, we have—"

"No buts," Wonwoo interrupted firmly. "Tomorrow is important."

Mingyu nodded, recognizing the rare determination in Wonwoo's eyes. "Understood, Boss."

As Mingyu left to make the arrangements, Wonwoo's thoughts turned inward. This would be the perfect opportunity to reveal to Hoshi that he was Foxy, his long-lost friend.

Meanwhile, Hoshi's mind was also racing. He saw this as a chance to repay Wonwoo for his kindness and to push thoughts of So Young out of his mind. This meeting could be a fresh start, a way to focus on something positive amidst the turmoil in his life and get new friend who understood him.

The next day arrived with a sense of excitement. Hoshi dressed in his best casual attire, feeling a sense of anticipation. He wanted everything to go perfectly. As he made his way to Le Jardin, he couldn't help but wonder what Wonwoo wanted to discuss.

Wonwoo arrived early, choosing a table by the window with a view of the river. He wanted the setting to be just right for their conversation. When Hoshi walked in, their eyes met, and for a moment, everything else seemed to fade away.

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