Chapter 16: Unexpected events

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As Hoshi and Wonwoo left the hospital, they engaged in light conversation. Hoshi recounted the hectic events of the day while Wonwoo listened intently, his mind drifting to thoughts of Woozi and the way he had looked at Hoshi.

"So, who was that guy you were treating last?" Wonwoo asked, trying to sound casual but unable to hide the slight edge in his voice.

"Oh, Woozi? He was one of the accident victims. Just some minor injuries, nothing too serious," Hoshi replied, oblivious to Wonwoo's growing jealousy.

Wonwoo nodded, trying to suppress his irritation. "He seemed really grateful for your help."

Hoshi smiled. "Yeah, I guess he was. It's always nice to know you've made a difference, no matter how small."

Wonwoo couldn't help but think to himself, How can Hoshi be so intelligent to become a doctor, but so oblivious to the looks he gets? He shook his head, pushing the thoughts aside.

They parted ways at the hospital entrance, promising to catch up again soon. Hoshi drove back home, feeling a sense of fulfillment from the day's work, while Wonwoo headed to his mansion, his mind racing with plans to ensure Hoshi's safety.

Unknown to Hoshi, Wonwoo had secretly made arrangements to ensure Hoshi's safety. He couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to him, especially with Joo-wan's threatening presence. Despite his desire to keep Hoshi close, Wonwoo respected his independence, choosing to protect him from the shadows.

Hours passed, and the peaceful night took a sudden turn. Hoshi was jolted awake by the persistent ringing of his phone. Groggy and confused, he checked the time-it was just past midnight. The call was from an unknown number, but instinct told him to answer it.

"Hello?" Hoshi's voice was laced with concern.

"Hoshi, it's Mingyu," the voice on the other end said, sounding urgent. "Wonwoo's been hurt. He's at the mansion, and he's in bad shape."

Hoshi's heart stopped for a moment. Without thinking twice, he grabbed his first aid kit and dashed out of his apartment, his mind racing with worry.

The drive to Wonwoo's mansion felt agonizingly long. When he arrived, the mansion was eerily quiet. He burst through the doors and found Mingyu waiting for him, looking anxious and disheveled.

"Where is he?" Hoshi demanded, his voice tense with worry.

"Upstairs, in his room," Mingyu replied, leading Hoshi up the grand staircase.

Hoshi entered the room to find Wonwoo lying on the bed, his shirt stained with blood. His face was pale, but he managed a weak smile when he saw Hoshi.

"Hey," Wonwoo murmured, his voice faint.

Hoshi quickly set to work, his medical training kicking in. He quickly assessed the injuries. "The bullets aren't in critical organs, but he could lose a lot of blood if I don't act fast."

"We need to stop the bleeding," Hoshi said, more to himself than to anyone else. He worked swiftly, cleaning the wounds and applying pressure to slow the bleeding.

Once he was satisfied with his temporary fix, Hoshi turned to Mingyu, his face a mask of anger and concern. "Why didn't you take him to the hospital?" he demanded. "This could have been fatal. You should have taken him to the hospital immediately!"

Hoshi clenched his fists, trying to control his frustration. "But his life was at risk! Next time, don't listen to him. Call me immediately or take him to the hospital."

Mingyu looked down, guilt etched on his face. "I'm sorry, Hoshi. Boss insisted on staying here. He didn't want to risk involving the authorities. He thought it would be safer this way. He have our reasons.""

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