Chapter 22: Where We Belong

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As they stood on the balcony, the world seemed to slow down. The city lights below shimmered like a sea of stars, but neither Hoshi nor Wonwoo paid them any mind. Their eyes were locked, each gaze carrying the weight of emotions they had held back for so long. The air between them crackled with intensity, and the distance between their faces felt both infinite and infinitesimal.

Hoshi's heart beat in sync with the soft rhythm of Wonwoo's breathing, and for a moment, it was as if nothing else existed. The noise of the party inside faded into a distant hum, leaving only the two of them suspended in this moment. Hoshi could see every detail of Wonwoo's face—the slight curve of his lips, the gentle flutter of his eyelashes, the way his eyes shone with unshed tears.

Wonwoo, too, was lost in Hoshi's gaze. The emotions swirling in Hoshi's eyes were a mirror to his own—a mix of relief, joy, and a deep, abiding love that had always been there, just waiting for the right moment to be set free. He felt like he was drowning in the depth of Hoshi's eyes, and yet, it was the most beautiful sensation he had ever experienced.

Finally, the spell was broken by the faint sound of laughter drifting from the party inside. Hoshi blinked, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips, and with a gentle squeeze of Wonwoo's hand, they both turned to rejoin the gathering. The atmosphere of the party was a stark contrast to the quiet intensity they had just shared, but neither of them minded. They walked side by side, a newfound sense of closeness radiating between them.

As the night drew to a close, they made their way back to Wonwoo's mansion. The drive was quiet, both of them lost in their thoughts, content to let the silence speak for them. When they finally arrived home, the clock had ticked past 2 AM, and the exhaustion from the evening's events was beginning to weigh on them.

Wonwoo excused himself to freshen up, and as he disappeared into the bathroom, Hoshi found himself restless. The adrenaline from the confession still buzzed in his veins, and the idea of sleep felt distant. Instead, he decided to head to the kitchen, a place that had always brought him comfort. He began to prepare something light—a simple soup that would warm them both after the long, emotional night.

When Wonwoo emerged from the bathroom, towel in hand, he noticed the faint glow of the kitchen lights. Curious, he followed the sound of gentle clinking and found Hoshi standing at the stove, his back to Wonwoo, humming softly as he stirred the pot. The sight stopped Wonwoo in his tracks. A wave of emotion surged through him—gratitude, disbelief, an overwhelming sense of love. His eyes welled up with tears, and he couldn't help but wonder what he had done to deserve this moment, this person.

Hoshi turned around just in time to see the tears spilling from Wonwoo's eyes. Startled, he quickly switched off the stove and rushed to his side. "Wonwoo, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

Wonwoo shook his head, a soft, shaky laugh escaping him as he reached out to gently caress Hoshi's cheek. "What did I do to deserve you?" he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.

Hoshi's heart swelled at the vulnerability in Wonwoo's voice. He placed his hand over Wonwoo's, leaning into the touch. "You've done more than you know," he replied softly, his own eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "You've always been there for me, just like I'll always be here for you."

Wonwoo pulled Hoshi into a tender embrace, holding him close as if he could fuse their hearts together. "I don't ever want to lose you," he murmured into Hoshi's hair, the warmth of their connection seeping into his very soul.

Hoshi wrapped his arms around Wonwoo's waist, burying his face in Wonwoo's chest. "You won't," he promised, his voice muffled but firm.

As they stood in the kitchen, Hoshi felt the intensity of Wonwoo's emotions wash over him like a wave. The realization hit him hard—Wonwoo was truly terrified of losing him. The fear in Wonwoo's eyes made Hoshi's heart ache, and in that moment, he made a silent vow to himself. "I'll never leave his side, no matter what. Even if he tries to push me away, I'll be there. I'll always be there for him. "

After a few moments, Hoshi gently pulled back, looking into Wonwoo's eyes with a reassuring smile. "Let's sit down and enjoy the soup," he said softly, guiding Wonwoo to the table. He then turned back to the stove, finishing up the soup he had been preparing. The kitchen was quiet, save for the soft clinking of utensils and the bubbling of the soup. When it was ready, Hoshi brought two bowls to the table and placed one in front of Wonwoo, who watched him with a mixture of gratitude and something deeper—something that made Hoshi's heart flutter.

"Hoshi," Wonwoo began softly, drawing Hoshi's attention back to him. "Thank you for this. For everything. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Hoshi smiled, but there was something else he wanted to talk about—something that had been on his mind for a while now. He glanced down at his hands, gathering his thoughts before speaking.

"Wonwoo," he started, his tone serious but gentle, "I've been thinking about something for a while now. I want you to become a major shareholder in my company."

Wonwoo looked up, surprise flickering in his eyes. Hoshi's gaze was steady, filled with conviction. "I want to pursue my career as a doctor, to help people the way I've always wanted to. But the company... it's important to me too. I also want to make sure the company is in good hands, and there's no one I trust more than you."

Wonwoo blinked, clearly taken aback by the suggestion. "Hoshi, are you sure? That's a huge responsibility."

"I am sure," Hoshi nodded, his gaze steady.

Wonwoo seemed to consider Hoshi's words, his expression thoughtful. "Hoshi," he said slowly, "I want you to be happy. If being a doctor is what you truly want, then I'll support you all the way. And I'm honored that you trust me enough to take on this responsibility. But... are you really sure?"

Hoshi felt a swell of emotion at Wonwoo's words, his heart brimming with gratitude and affection. Without thinking, he got up and moved to sit on Wonwoo's lap, wrapping his arms around Wonwoo's neck. Wonwoo was momentarily startled, but the surprise quickly melted into a warm smile as he looked at Hoshi with pure love in his eyes.

Hoshi pouted, playfully tapping his forehead against Wonwoo's. "Of course, I'm sure," he said, his tone both teasing and sincere. "I trust you with my life, Wonwoo. Why wouldn't I trust you with my company?"

Wonwoo chuckled softly, his arms instinctively tightening around Hoshi's waist. "I suppose you're right," he admitted, his voice tinged with amusement.

Hoshi's pout deepened as he playfully slapped Wonwoo's arm. "Don't laugh! I'm being serious!" he huffed, though there was no real anger in his voice.

Wonwoo's heart swelled with affection, and before he could stop himself, he leaned in and pressed a gentle peck on Hoshi's lips. The kiss was soft and sweet, a silent promise of the future they were about to build together.

Hoshi's pout melted into a smile, his eyes sparkling with happiness. "You're impossible," he teased, resting his forehead against Wonwoo's. But the warmth in his voice spoke of contentment, of a love that was steady and true.

Wonwoo smiled, his eyes never leaving Hoshi's. "I might be," he murmured, "but I'm yours, and I wouldn't have it any other way."

In the quiet of the night, with only the gentle hum of the city outside, they held each other close, their hearts beating in sync, knowing that they had finally found where they truly belonged—in each other's arms.

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