Chapter 13: The Truth

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Hoshi picked up the photo and immediately recognised it. It was a picture of him and Foxy from many years ago. A memory fluttered in his mind, taking him back to that sunny day in their hidden garden.

(Text =Like this is the memory

Hoshi and Foxy spent many afternoons together in the hidden garden. One sunny day, Hoshi showed up with an old camera slung around his neck. He grinned, holding it up for Foxy to see.

"Look what I found! It's my dad's old camera. Let's take some pictures," Hoshi had said, feeling a surge of excitement. This camera held so many memories for him, and he wanted to create new ones with Foxy.

Foxy's eyes had widened with curiosity and delight. "I've never had my picture taken before," he had admitted, his voice tinged with both apprehension and eagerness.

Hoshi's smile grew even wider. "Well, today's the day! We'll take pictures of the garden, the kitten, and us. This way, we'll always have memories of this place."

He watched as Foxy's apprehension melted into excitement. They spent hours capturing the beauty of their secret sanctuary. Hoshi loved seeing Foxy's reaction to each photo, the way his eyes lit up with each click of the camera. He focused on capturing the delicate petals of the flowers, the tiny paw prints of the kitten, and the dappled sunlight filtering through the leaves.

Finally, Hoshi set up the camera on a makeshift tripod of stacked stones and branches, gesturing for Foxy to join him.

Foxy hesitated for a moment before nodding, stepping into the frame. As they stood side by side, Hoshi wrapped an arm around Foxy's shoulder, pulling him close. The camera clicked, freezing that moment of friendship and happiness forever.

Hoshi couldn't help but feel a deep sense of fulfillment. "See? Now we'll always have this," he had said, showing Foxy the developing photo. "No matter what happens, we'll have proof that we were here, together."

Foxy smiled, and Hoshi felt a warmth in his heart that he hadn't felt in a long time. Seeing Foxy's happiness meant everything to him. "Thank you, Hoshi. This means a lot to me."

Hoshi nodded, feeling a profound connection to Foxy. In that hidden garden, with the camera capturing their moments, he knew they were creating memories that would last a lifetime.

Now, holding the old photo, Hoshi felt a wave of nostalgia wash over him, tears welled up in his eyes. His mind and heart told him that he had found Foxy after so long. The garden, the camera, the joy they shared—every detail came rushing back, clear as day. He traced a finger over the image of Foxy's smiling face, feeling a bittersweet ache in his chest.

As Hoshi placed the photo back on Wonwoo's desk and walked out of his office, his mind swirled with thoughts. The possibility that Wonwoo could be Foxy intrigued him deeply. As he pondered this, a memory surfaced vividly in his mind — the morning when Wonwoo had asked about his necklace.

Hoshi felt a sense of ease in Wonwoo's presence, their morning routine becoming a comforting ritual. "That's a lovely necklace you're wearing. I've never seen it before," Wonwoo remarked casually. about his necklace caught him off guard, his hand instinctively reaching for the pendant, fingers tracing its smooth surface. 

His remark about the necklace had seemed innocuous at the time, but now it felt like a piece of a puzzle he hadn't noticed before. Could Wonwoo have recognized the pendant? Did he suspect something then?

"This necklace has been with me for as long as I can remember," Hoshi began softly, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "It's special to me. It's part of a pair; the other half is a moon pendant that belongs to someone very dear to me."

Wonwoo's response was measured, but Hoshi sensed a depth in his gaze, as if he were holding back a flood of emotions. "He was my closest friend," Hoshi continued, his voice tinged with a mix of nostalgia and longing. "We made a promise, that these pendants would keep us connected, no matter where life took us. But we lost touch, and I've been searching for him ever since."

Wonwoo's empathetic smile brought a rush of warmth, his words carrying a silent promise. "I believe you'll find him," he assured Hoshi, sensing the weight of his unspoken hope.

Hoshi nodded, grateful for Wonwoo's understanding. "Thank you," he murmured, the melancholy in his smile softened by Wonwoo's comforting presence. "I hope so. I've always believed that one day, we'd find each other again."

As Hoshi walked down the hallway, his mind was swirling with emotions, the old photograph of him and Foxy weighing heavily in his thoughts. He couldn't shake the feeling that Wonwoo might indeed be the friend he had been searching for all these years.

Lost in his thoughts, Hoshi was startled when Wonwoo spotted him and approached with concern evident in his expression. Before Wonwoo could say anything, Hoshi's tears betrayed his overwhelming emotions.

"Hoshi," Wonwoo called out softly, reaching out to him. "What's wrong?"

Unable to contain his feelings any longer, Hoshi embraced Wonwoo tightly, seeking solace in his presence. Wonwoo, initially surprised, quickly responded, wrapping his arms around Hoshi and offering comfort.

"It's okay, Hoshi. I'm here. Everything's going to be okay," Wonwoo reassured him in a soothing voice, gently stroking Hoshi's back.

Hoshi clung to Wonwoo, his heart pouring out years of longing and uncertainty. "I found you, Foxy. After all this time, I found you," he whispered, his voice trembling with a mix of relief and disbelief.

Wonwoo's eyes widened with realization, a flood of emotions washing over him. Holding Hoshi close, he spoke softly, his voice filled with both relief and joy. "Yes, you found me, Tiger. And I'm never letting you go again."

In that moment, as Hoshi found comfort in Wonwoo's embrace, he knew deep in his heart that the connection between them went far beyond mere chance. The necklace, the shared memories, and now, this overwhelming sense of reunion—all of it pointed to Wonwoo being the long-lost Foxy he had cherished from his childhood.

With tears of happiness still glistening in his eyes, Hoshi looked up at Wonwoo, a profound sense of belonging settling within him. "I've been searching for you for so long," he confessed quietly, overwhelmed by the realization of finally finding what he had been seeking.

Wonwoo held him tighter, his own emotions running deep as he whispered, "And now that you've found me, I promise to never leave your side again."

As they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, Hoshi felt a sense of completeness he hadn't known since the days spent capturing memories in their hidden garden. 

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