Chapter 23: Facing the Shadows

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Few Days Later

A few days had passed since the tender night when Hoshi made the pivotal decision to hand over the major company shares to Wonwoo. The transition was seamless, with the company board accepting the change without much resistance, confident in Wonwoo's capabilities and Hoshi's judgment. Hoshi felt a significant weight lifted from his shoulders, knowing the company was now in the hands of someone he trusted completely.

Even though he was no longer the CEO, Hoshi remained a shareholder in the company, staying involved in key decisions. But his heart was now fully committed to his work at the hospital, where he started to work regularly. The hospital became a sanctuary for him, a place where he could focus on helping others and finding solace in the routines of patient care.

One afternoon, while making his rounds, Hoshi noticed a small child crying in the hallway. The boy looked lost, his tiny hands clutching a stuffed toy, tears streaming down his cheeks. Hoshi's heart softened at the sight. He knelt beside the child, offering a gentle smile.

"Hey there, what's wrong?" Hoshi asked softly, his voice soothing.

The boy sniffled and looked up at Hoshi with wide, tear-filled eyes. "I... I can't find my mom..."

Hoshi's heart ached for the boy. "Don't worry, I'll help you find her, okay? Let's go to the reception, and we'll make an announcement. But first..." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, colorful sticker he had kept as a memento from a child patient he had helped weeks before. "How about we play a little game? If you can stop crying, you'll get this cool sticker."

The boy's eyes lit up at the sight of the sticker, and after a moment's hesitation, he nodded, wiping his tears away with the back of his hand. Hoshi took the boy's hand and led him to the reception area, where he explained the situation to the staff. As they waited for the announcement, Hoshi knelt beside the boy again, making silly faces and telling funny stories to distract him. Soon, the boy's cries turned into giggles, and Hoshi couldn't help but laugh along with him.

Unbeknownst to Hoshi, two pairs of eyes were watching the scene unfold. The first belonged to Wonwoo, who had come to the hospital to surprise Hoshi with lunch. As he approached the reception area, he stopped in his tracks, captivated by the sight of Hoshi playing with the child. The warmth and tenderness in Hoshi's actions made Wonwoo's heart swell with love. He stood there, watching silently, a soft smile on his lips as he melted at the sight of the man he loved bringing so much comfort and joy to a child. He wanted to see more, to bask in the gentle, caring nature of Hoshi.

But then, the second observer made her presence known. So-young, had also witnessed the scene. She approached Hoshi, her gaze lingering on him as she closed the distance between them. Hoshi, noticing her out of the corner of his eye, quickly handed the boy over to the receptionist, ensuring he was in good hands before turning to face her.

Before Hoshi could ask her what she was doing there, So-young stepped forward and embraced him. Her unexpected gesture took him by surprise. As they broke apart, Hoshi's expression shifted from confusion to irritation. "What are you doing here?" he demanded.

From his vantage point, Wonwoo's smile vanished, replaced by a clenched jaw and fists as he watched the interaction, his eyes growing cold.

So-young, her voice tinged with regret, confessed, "I made a mistake leaving you for Joo-wan. I want to come back."

Hoshi's eyes narrowed. "You left me for money, So-young. You need to move on and leave us both alone."

But So-young wasn't ready to give up. Her face flushed with a mix of frustration and desperation. "I made a mistake, Hoshi. I want to come back. You were the one for me." 

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