Chapter 8: Heartbreak

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Hoshi had reserved a table at La Belle Époque, one of the fanciest restaurants in the city, known for its elegant ambiance and exquisite cuisine. As he made his way to the restaurant, his heart was filled with anticipation and joy. The thought of proposing to So Young filled him with hope and excitement.

On his way, Hoshi unexpectedly ran into Wonwoo, who was there for a meeting with a client, Lee Seok Min—a notorious mafia member. They greeted each other with a nod of recognition.

"Hoshi," Wonwoo said, extending his hand. "What brings you here tonight?"

Hoshi shook his hand with a warm smile. "I'm here for a special dinner. It's my birthday, and I plan to propose to my girlfriend, So Young. I want to make tonight unforgettable."

Wonwoo's eyes flickered with interest. "Proposing, huh? That's quite a big step. I wish you the best. And I wish a very Happy Birthday as well!"

"Thank you," Hoshi replied, his smile widening. "It's a big night for me."

Wonwoo nodded thoughtfully. "Well, good luck. I hope everything goes as planned."

As they parted ways, Wonwoo couldn't help but ponder the situation. Hoshi seemed genuinely happy and excited about his plans with So Young, but he couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to the story.

Hoshi arrived at the reserved table, taking a deep breath as he looked around the beautifully decorated interior. He had chosen this place specifically to make the evening as special as possible. He was seated at a table near a large window, offering a stunning view of the city lights.

So Young arrived shortly after, her heart pounding as she took in the opulent surroundings. She felt a wave of nervousness wash over her, but she forced herself to push through. She spotted Hoshi and walked over to him, mustering a smile.

"Hoshi, this place is beautiful," she said, taking a seat.

"I'm glad you like it," Hoshi replied warmly. "I wanted tonight to be perfect."

They ordered their meals, and Hoshi tried to engage So Young in light conversation, but she seemed distracted. As the evening progressed, Hoshi felt a sense of urgency to get to the main event—the proposal. He took a deep breath, ready to speak, but So Young interrupted him.

"Hoshi, before you say anything, I need to tell you something," she said, her voice trembling.

Hoshi looked at her, confusion and concern etched on his face. "What is it, So Young?"

So Young took a deep breath, steeling herself for what she had to say. "I think we should break up."

Hoshi's eyes widened in shock. "What? Why? What's going on?"

She looked down, unable to meet his eyes. "I don't love you, Hoshi," she said flatly, her voice colder than he had ever heard it.

Hoshi felt like he had been punched in the gut. "So Young, what are you talking about? We've been together for so long. Why now?"

She sighed, her gaze hardening. "I can't do this anymore. I've been pretending, and I'm tired of it. I need someone who can offer me more, someone who matches my ambitions. You're just... too ordinary."

Hoshi's heart shattered. He couldn't believe the words coming out of her mouth. "So Young, I thought we were happy. I thought you loved me."

"I used to think that too," she replied, her tone dismissive. "But I've realized that I want something different. Something better."

The tears threatened to spill from Hoshi's eyes as he struggled to understand. "So, what? You were just using me all this time?"

"Yes," she admitted, her voice sharp. "I needed someone stable, someone who could support me while I figured things out. But now, I don't need you anymore."

Hoshi felt a wave of nausea wash over him. The woman he thought he loved, who he was ready to spend his life with, was standing before him, heartlessly tearing his world apart. "How could you do this to me?" he whispered, his voice breaking.

So Young stood up, not even bothering to look back at him. "You'll get over it. Goodbye, Hoshi." She walked away, leaving him sitting there, devastated and alone.

Hoshi, unable to hold back his emotions, he went to the bar and ordered drink after drink. He downed them quickly, trying to drown out the pain and the memories. Each drink brought back a flood of thoughts—how he and So Young had met, their first date, the moments of laughter and love they had shared.

Little did they know, Wonwoo had been watching from a distance, unable to shake the feeling of curiosity and concern that Hoshi had sparked in him. He saw the entire scene unfold, and his heart ached for the man who had seemed so full of hope just moments ago.

His vision blurred, and the noise of the bar faded into the background as he relived every moment. He couldn't believe how wrong he had been about her. The sweet, loving girlfriend he thought he knew had revealed herself to be someone completely different.

As Hoshi sat there, spiraling into despair, Wonwoo approached the bar. He watched Hoshi from a distance, feeling a strange mix of empathy and intrigue. There was something about Hoshi that he couldn't ignore, a pull that made him want to understand more about this man who had just had his heart broken so cruelly.

Hoshi, lost in his drunken haze, barely noticed when Wonwoo sat down next to him. The mafia boss ordered a drink, keeping a close eye on Hoshi. As the night wore on, Hoshi's sorrow deepened, and he began to mumble incoherently about the times he had spent with So Young, the plans he had made, and the future that had been ripped away from him.

Wonwoo listened quietly, feeling a growing sense of responsibility. He didn't know why, but he felt compelled to help Hoshi in some way. The connection he had felt at the hospital had only strengthened, and now, seeing Hoshi in such pain, he knew he couldn't just walk away.

Hoshi continued to drink, his mind clouded with despair. As the evening wore on, his speech became slurred and his movements unsteady. Eventually, he could no longer keep his eyes open, and he passed out at the bar, his head resting on his folded arms.

Wonwoo watched him, a mix of concern and determination in his eyes. He couldn't leave Hoshi there in such a vulnerable state. After paying for Hoshi's drinks, Wonwoo gently lifted him, supporting his weight as he guided him out of the restaurant.

The drive to Wonwoo's mansion was quiet, save for Hoshi's occasional murmurs. Wonwoo glanced at him now and then, his curiosity about this man growing with each passing moment. Why did he feel such a strong need to help him? What was it about Hoshi that pulled at him so intensely?

When they arrived at the mansion, the maids and workers were taken aback. Wonwoo had never personally brought anyone home before. His imposing figure and the unconscious Hoshi made for an unusual sight.

Mingyu, equally shocked, quickly approached Wonwoo. "What happened boss?"

Wonwoo replied, his voice steady but tinged with an unfamiliar softness. "He had a rough night. Prepare the guest room for him."

Mingyu nodded, still trying to process the situation. He directed one of the maids, Min Jung, to get the guest room ready. She hurried off, her mind racing with curiosity.

As they moved Hoshi inside, the staff exchanged whispers. Wonwoo was known for his strict privacy and had never brought anyone home before. The fact that he was making an exception for Hoshi was astounding.

They laid Hoshi gently on the bed in the guest room. Min Jung quickly arranged the pillows and brought a glass of water, placing it on the bedside table. She looked at Wonwoo, who was watching Hoshi with an unreadable expression.

"Is there anything else you need, sir?" she asked softly.

"No, that's all." Wonwoo replied, his eyes not leaving Hoshi's face.

Once the room was set, Mingyu and the rest of the staff quietly left, leaving Wonwoo alone with Hoshi. He stood by the bed for a moment, watching the peaceful rise and fall of Hoshi's chest as he slept. The vulnerability in Hoshi's face tugged at Wonwoo's heartstrings.

Wonwoo sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "What is it about you, Hoshi? Why do I feel so drawn to you?" he whispered.

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