24. taehyung's call.

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"Who said anything about love? I just need you to catch me when I fall."

Monza ,
City in Italy ,
09: 00 a.m. ,

Jimin arrived at the hospital in record time, his heart pounding in his chest. He rushed through the sliding doors and quickly found the reception desk. Breathlessly, he asked, "Gyeo-wool Baek, where is she?"

The receptionist looked up from her computer, noting the urgency in his voice. "She's in the pediatric emergency room. Down the hall and to your left."

Jimin nodded his thanks and sprinted down the hallway. As he approached the emergency room, he spotted Liane pacing outside, her face pale and streaked with tears. She looked up as he neared, and her eyes widened in relief.

"Jimin," she whispered, her voice cracked. "Thank God you're here."

Without a second thought, Jimin wrapped her in a comforting hug. "I'm here, Liane. What happened?"

Liane sobbed into his chest, her words coming out in choked bursts. "She... she was trying to reach something on the top shelf, and she used a chair to climb up. The chair tipped over, and she fell with a glass jar. It shattered, and... and she has cuts all over her arms and hands. They're taking care of her now."

Jimin held her tighter, his heart aching for both Liane and Gyeo-wool. "She's going to be okay, Liane. They're doing everything they can."

Liane nodded, wiping her tears. "I just... I feel so guilty and horrible. I should have been more careful."

Jimin pulled back slightly, looking into her eyes. "This isn't your fault. Kids are curious, and accidents happen. You're a great mom, Liane. She's lucky to have you."

Liane sniffled, trying to compose herself. "Thank you, Jimin. For coming here."

Just then, a doctor emerged from the emergency room, looking around the waiting area. "Baek Liane?"

Liane stepped forward, her heart in her throat. "Yes, that's me. How is she?"

The doctor offered a reassuring smile. "Gyeo-wool is stable. She had some deep cuts, but we've cleaned and stitched them up. She's a little shaken, but she's going to be fine. You can see her now."

Liane let out a sigh of relief "Thank you, doctor. Thank you so much."

Jimin took Liane's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Let's go see her."

They walked into the emergency room together, finding Gyeo-wool lying in a hospital bed, her small arms bandaged and an IV drip in place. Her big eyes were filled with tears, but she managed a weak smile when she saw her mother and Jimin.

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