6. no goodbyes.

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"I don't want to hide my feelings for you forever."

Seoul, South Korea,
Seoul national University,
13:00 p.m. ,

AS Y/N STEPPED out of the car, her heart raced with anticipation, her violin clutched tightly in her hand. The gates of Seoul National University loomed before her, the weight of her dreams resting on this pivotal moment.

With determined steps, she began her walk towards the university, each stride echoing her resolve.

But fate had other plans, as she collided with a girl, Baek Liane, who exuded an aura of fierce confidence.

Her ebony hair framed a face adorned with captivating siren eyes and cherry red lips, embodying the essence of a powerful woman.

"I'm sorry," Y/N stammered, momentarily flustered by the unexpected encounter.

Liane's gaze softened slightly as she assessed the newcomer. "No harm done," she replied, her voice smooth yet commanding. "You must be here for the entrance exam."

Y/N nodded, a mix of nerves and excitement churning within her. "Yes, I'm Y/N. And you?"

"Baek Liane," she answered simply, a hint of mystery in her tone. "I'm already a student here, specializing in orchestral piano."

A wave of admiration washed over Y/N as she realized she stood in the presence of someone who had already achieved what she aspired to. "That's incredible," she said, genuine awe coloring her words.

With a knowing smile, Liane offered her guidance. "Come, let me show you to the exam room. I'll share some tips along the way."

As Liane escorted Y/N to the entrance of the exam room, she stopped and turned to face her, her expression encouraging yet reassuring. "This is where we part ways for now," Liane said, her voice carrying a hint of confidence. "But remember, you've got this. Believe in yourself, and let your music speak for you."

Y/N nodded, a mixture of gratitude and determination in her eyes. "Thank you, Liane. I'll do my best."

With a warm smile, Liane bowed slightly before stepping back, leaving Y/N to face the challenge ahead.

As she entered the room, a sea of students greeted her, their anticipation palpable in the air.

The sight of nearly a hundred aspiring musicians sent a shiver down her spine, and for a moment, doubt crept into her mind.

Taking a deep breath, Y/N found her seat among the rows of desks, her violin resting gently in her lap.

But as she glanced around at the other candidates, her mind went blank, the weight of the moment pressing down on her shoulders.

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