29. bonnet s*ex. ⚠︎

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TW: s'ex on the bonnet of his mercedes?

TW: s'ex on the bonnet of his mercedes?

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"Can you remember who you were, before people told you who you should be?"

Seoul ,
South Korea,
08:00 a.m. ,

Y/N's Point Of View:

I woke up to the smell of pancakes and freshly brewed coffee. As I rubbed my eyes and made my way to the kitchen, I couldn't help but smile. Jungkook was at it again, being his adorable, over-the-top self.

"Good morning, sunshine!" he called out cheerfully as I walked in, still trying to shake off the remnants of sleep.

I blinked at the spread before me and then at Jungkook, a smile spreading across my face. "kook, you didn't have to do all this."

"Oh, but I did," he replied, dramatically placing a hand over his heart. "For today is a momentous day, a day of destiny, a day of epic proportions!"

I laughed, shaking my head. "You're being overly dramatic again."

"Dramatic?" he gasped, clutching an imaginary string of pearls. "Why, I never! This is merely the prelude to our grand adventure!"

Raising an eyebrow, I felt my smile widen. "And what adventure would that be, Mr. Ggukie?"

He took a deep breath, clearly channeling his inner movie character. "Today, my dear Y/N, we embark on the most important quest of all - finding the perfect wedding dress and the most beautiful wedding spot!"

My eyes widened, and I looked at him, wondering if he was serious. "You mean, like, today today?"

"Yes, today today!" he exclaimed, throwing his arms wide like he was on stage. "Picture this: the perfect dress that makes you feel like a queen, and a wedding spot so beautiful it could be the set of a romantic drama!"

I chuckled, my amusement evident. "You've been watching too many soap operas, Jungkook."

He gasped in mock horror "A soap opera? How dare you? This is pure, unadulterated, real-life romance, Y/N. Straight out of a Shakespearean play!"

Shaking my head, still laughing, I asked, "Alright, Mr. Shakespeare, let's hear your grand plan."

He cleared his throat, adopting his best director's pose. "First, we feast on this breakfast of champions. Then, we conquer the bridal shops with the precision of a heist team. And finally, we scout the most picturesque locations for our wedding - think 'Pride and Prejudice' meets 'La La Land.'"

"Are you serious right now?" I asked, though my laughter betrayed my amusement.

"As serious as Batman in a dark alley," he replied with a deep voice, trying to sound like the caped crusader himself.

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