83. Kuroyaku

29 3 1

Main pairing: Kuroo Tetsuro x Yaku Morisuke

Other pairing(s): Kuroo Tetsuro & Kozume Kenma

Genre: Fluff

Warnings: None

Time: Their 3rd year

Notes: None

*In Yaku and Kenma's private messages*

Yaku: So, Kenma, do you have a date for Valentine's day?

Kenma: Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's 14th February.

Yaku: Hilarious.

Kenma: Go ask him.

Yaku: Umm idk what youre tlaking abuot

Kenma: you dont make typos unless youre embarrassed or mad

Kenma: and ik youre not mad rn :)

Kenma: hes had a crush on you for ages

Kenma: go fucking ask him out

Yaku: but

Yaku: dont you like him ??

Yaku: why would you give me that chance

Kenma: first of all, ew.

Kenma: i definitely dont have a crush on kuro

Kenma: second of all, ew.

Kenma: im aroace.

Kenma: third of all.

Kenma: stop being an idiot and go fucking ask him outttt dude

Yaku: wait srsly??

Yaku: why do you hit on him then tho

Kenma: yh okay valid point ig

Kenma: me fr


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Yaku: okay

Yaku: yeah okay that makes sense

Yaku: thank you for sharing that w me :)

Kenma: yh course

Kenma: plus its like a pretty well-known fact ab me lmao

Yaku: yeah okay idk how i missed that

Kenma: its okay lmao dw

Kenma: anways

Kenma: as i was saying !!!

Kenma: go fucking ask him out bro

Kenma: hes had a crush on you for ages

Kenma: fr

Yaku: i will

Yaku: thank you for this kenma

Kenma: yeah ofc

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