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The night was still young, and the party was only getting started! After some incredible dance moves and a delicious dinner, everyone gathered back in the hall, ready for more fun.

Jin and Jisoo walked to the center of the hall, microphones in hand. Jin greeted everyone with a warm smile, saying,

"Good evening, everyone! Thank you all for coming and blessing our lovely couple."

Jisoo, bursting with excitement, added, "Yes, and to make this joyous occasion even more special, we have some gifts for you all! But before that, we have a game to play!"

The room was electric with anticipation as everyone wondered what the game would be.

Taehyung couldn't contain her excitement, even though she had no idea what game they were about to play.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung and chuckled, enjoying her enthusiasm. Just as Jin and Jisoo were about to reveal the game, Jack suddenly appeared and snatched the microphone from Jisoo's hand.

"Before that, I want to tell some jokes!"

Jack said with a wide grin, and everyone nodded their heads in excitement.

Meanwhile, Jisoo glared at Jack, her eyes flashing with annoyance at his sudden interruption and microphone hijacking.

Jack told a joke:
"Two girls were fighting for a seat on the bus.
The conductor said, 'Hey, why are you fighting? The oldest one should sit!'
Then, they both remained standing for the rest of the journey...

Haha!" Jack laughed at his own joke, but when he realized no one else was laughing, his smile faded.

Everyone was staring at him blankly, making him feel nervous. He nervously smiled and said..

"Maybe that one didn't land so well... No worries, let me try another one.

Banta asks Santa, 'How many bananas can you eat on an empty stomach?

Santa thinks for a moment and replies, 'I can eat 6 bananas.

Banta laughs and says, 'Wrong answer, friend! Where will your stomach remain empty after eating the first banana?! You can only eat one banana on an empty stomach!

Santa goes home and asks his wife, 'How many bananas can you eat on an empty stomach?

His wife replies, 'I can eat 4 bananas.' Santa responds in a disappointed tone, 'If you had said 6, you would have been telling a great joke, just like me!'"

Jack told another joke, but once again, only he laughed at his own humor.

This made him feel sad, thinking that he was unable to make anyone else laugh. But then, something unexpected happened - everyone suddenly burst out laughing at his joke!

Jack's face lit up with a wide smile, thrilled that he had finally managed to make everyone laugh.

Meanwhile, Jungkook gazed at Taehyung, who was focused on the others rather than him. He wished she would look at him, and only him, craving her attention and affection.

Jungkook intertwined his hands with Taehyung's and gave them a tight squeeze to grab her attention, but pouted when she didn't look at him.

With a smirk, he decided to tease her. Seeing that everyone was busy, he leaned in close to Taehyung and planted a long, playful kiss on her cheek.

Taehyung's eyes widened in surprise, and she turned to face Jungkook, raising an eyebrow at him.

Jungkook simply smiled innocently and pecked her lips, making Taehyung's face flush deep red as she quickly looked away, shyly.

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