Looking Up

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"How is he?" Sakura looked up as she saw Sasuke's family rushing into the hospital room. Guilt struck her again as she saw the heart-wrenching pain on Mikoto's face.

For some reason, Sakura couldn't help but blame herself for the outcome.

Sakura wiped away a tear as she stood up. "He should be okay. The doctors told me that he's stable right now, but he did suffer a seizure on his way here."

Mikoto's eyes widened as she stood beside Sasuke's bedside. Sakura noticed the exchange between mother and son as Mikoto whispered reassuringly into Sasuke's ear that he was going to be okay.

Itachi walked over, placing a hand on Sakura's shoulder. "And what about yourself? Are you okay?"

Sakura shrugged, trying to give him a smile. "I'm hanging in there... I just don't know what happened. Everything seemed fine until towards the end of the competition... Before I knew it, Hidan attacked him."

All Sakura could do was stare at Sasuke's restless body. "It's my fault..."

Mikoto stood beside her. "No, dear... don't put such blame on yourself."

Caught up in the moment, Sakura didn't realize Sasuke's father standing by the door. She could feel his eyes burning on her, as if he was waiting for the perfect time to say something.

"How could you say it's not her fault? If it weren't for her, our son would not be in this mess. He was perfectly fine until you came along," everyone in the room turned towards Fugaku as he spat out each word.

Sakura looked down at the floor, but before she could say anything, Mikoto stepped in.

Mikoto's voice was firm as she defended Sakura. "Fugaku, this is not the time nor the place to assign blame. Our priority should be Sasuke's recovery, not pointing fingers. Sakura has been nothing but dedicated and supportive throughout this entire ordeal."

Fugaku's gaze hardened slightly as he looked at his wife, but his anger still lingered. "I understand your concern, Mikoto, but we cannot ignore the fact that Sakura's involvement in Sasuke's life has brought nothing but trouble. Don't argue with me..."

Itachi cleared his throat as he walked towards his father. "Let's not do this here, especially with Sasuke being in this condition. The last thing we need is him hearing all of this." Itachi stared Fugaku down as he led him outside the hospital room.

Sakura felt a mix of emotions coursing through her. Guilt, anger, and deep sadness consumed her.


Itachi led Fugaku out of the room, leaving both Mikoto and Sakura. Making sure no one was within earshot, he cleared his throat before speaking.

"How long are you going to keep this up?"

Fugaku raised an eyebrow as he narrowed his eyes. "Excuse me?"

"I said, how long are you going to keep this up? Why must you make this so difficult for everyone? Have you failed as a father not to even realize how good Sakura has been to Sasuke?" Itachi continued, "You've treated all of us like shit. You wonder why mother seems so depressed and why I left the family company. It's because of you."

"Enough. Not one more word, Itachi," Fugaku warned.

"Or what? You're going to banish me? Why would I ever let my child know you? I'm sick and tired of defending you, or trying to see the good in you." Itachi flared his nose. "I won't let you continue to treat Sakura or anyone like this, for that matter."

Fugaku's eyes widened as he stuttered, "You mean... Izumi is...?"

Itachi's gaze hardened as he confirmed Fugaku's suspicions. "Yes, Izumi is pregnant. And I will not allow her or our child to be subjected to the toxic environment you create. I refuse to let history repeat itself."

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