Balancing Act

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It hadn't even been two days, and Sasuke found himself sitting in front of his computer, typing away on the keyboard. He was at a loss for what else to do to pass the time, other than reviewing the tasks his father had assigned him.

A couple of days ago, his father had reached out to him, mentioning something about going over last year's statements.

Sasuke had no interest in that whatsoever.

He stared blankly at his computer screen, feeling incredibly bored. The only thing on his mind was the pink-haired girl, even though he hated to admit it.

Sasuke inwardly cursed himself for getting so caught up on a girl he had just met. It wasn't like he had a crush on her or anything, but she intrigued him. She was someone he enjoyed talking to, despite their brief encounters. The most time they had spent together was when they went surfing a few days ago.

If he remembered correctly, she had mentioned texting him, but he hadn't heard anything from her. He was confused as to why he was eagerly waiting for a text since they returned from the beach. It was making it incredibly difficult for him to focus on the task at hand. Sasuke knew that if he didn't go over the company's statements, his father would find something else to criticize.

Without even realizing it, he heard the front door open. He knew it could only be Naruto, as Naruto was the only one with a spare key.

"Hey teme, what's up?" Sasuke heard Naruto's voice from the doorway. Naruto flopped down on the bean bag, staring at Sasuke lost in thought.

It took Sasuke a moment to snap out of it as he shook his head. "What are you doing here?"

Sasuke didn't mean for his tone to come off as aggressive. He was just annoyed that his thoughts about the pink-haired girl had been interrupted by Naruto's chatter.

Naruto raised an eyebrow, knowing his best friend too well. "What's wrong with you? You seemed like you were deep in thought."

"I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

Sasuke wasn't exactly skilled at hiding things. The expression on his face always gave him away, which only fueled Naruto's suspicion even more.

"Where were you on Friday night and Saturday? We didn't hear from you for days," Naruto asked, his tone filled with concern.

"It's nothing, dobe. I just don't feel like going out to the bars all the time. Do I really have to do that every weekend?" Sasuke replied, irritation evident in his voice. He was frustrated because no one seemed to understand that he didn't want to spend every weekend getting wasted. He was starting to get sick of the taste of alcohol.

Naruto raised his hands defensively. "Am I not allowed to ask? I was just worried, that's all."

Sasuke sighed, turning away from his computer chair. "Sorry... I'm just... going over these stupid statements my father wanted me to review."

"That's fine. I just came here to check up on you," Naruto shrugged.

Sasuke glanced at his friend, noticing how he nervously tapped his foot. He wasn't sure if he should tell his best friend about what he did on Saturday. It wasn't like he needed to keep it a secret, right? There was nothing going on between him and Sakura, but her lack of response to his texts was starting to bother him.

It was pretty obvious.

Naruto picked up on this, breaking the silence. "There's something else, isn't there?"

Sasuke cleared his throat. "I went surfing with that girl from the convenience store."

Naruto's eyes widened. "The pink-haired girl? The one we saw at the beach last week?"

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