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Well shit.

I said i was ready but I don't think i'm ready at all. Actually, I think i'm going to fail. Miserably. Oh god, is it too late to back out, oh this is so bad-

Valentino's voice rings in my ear snapping me out my inner thoughts. "Snap out of it. I don't know what you're thinking but whatever it is get it out your head. You'll do fine, ok!" I nod then exhale, getting ready to give a lap dance to an old family friend. "Here's your wig." He reached into the back of the car and pulls out an ashy blonde, slightly curled wig along with some bobby pins.

"I'm sure you can figure it out, yeah?" I glare at him but try to start installing the wig. "I'm going to park the car, just come inside whenever you're ready," he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small pink wallet, "This has a fake I.D and some money in it along with the powder."

He reaches past the console to reach for my dress, pulling it up past my thigh. I shudder at the cold breeze that hits if but relax when the warmth of his palm takes over.

He then reaches behind me and grabs the blade that was sitting behind the head rest, and places it on my thigh. He once again reaches into the back of the car and grabs a small black garter, sliding it up my thigh, then the knife under it, making sure not to cut me.

He instantly pulls his hand away and wipes it on his suit then clears his throat before speaking. "You're all set here. Like I said, just install the wig, change your makeup then come inside to meet me and i'll guide you." I nod and watch as he exits the car and enters the building.

I immediately start putting in the wig. I tweak it until it sits on my head naturally then start in my makeup. When doing my makeup I make sure to cover up any moles or beauty marks and exaggerate everything. I make my lashes longer, eyeliner thicker, brows darker and lips bigger until i'm basically unrecognizable.

I close up the mirror, grab the wallet then lock the car. Better late than never right?

I make sure to pull out my ID beforehand and learn my information correctly so I don't seem suspicious.

Turns out my fake name was Kimberly Alvarez. Kimberly is a pretty name when you think about it. Kinda of like Kim Kardashian- "Name."

I snap my head up to see the bouncer. I smile and push my hair behind my ears, "Kimberly." shit. last name too? "Alvarez." I add just in case.

He checks his clip board and draws a little check. "ID." I hand him my ID and he draws another check before opening the velvet line divider. "You're good to go." I thank him then walk in, my eyes immediately searching for Valentino.

I find him and rush over to him. "Adriana?" I grin and nod. "Uh no. Kimberly." he doesn't smile. Just points to a closed dark red door, currently being guarded by 2 tall men. "And those are your men?" he nods then softly pushes me, urging me to go.

I'm confused why he wants me gone so bad, but when I look back at him I realize it's cause prior to me interrupting, he was hooking up with someone. My smile drops and I look back at the door.

I distract myself by walking towards them. Valentinos men give me a short nod letting me know they know who I am before opening the door.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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