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Character Profile: Ludic Glamsson

Basic Information:

Name: Ludin Glamsson

Age: Slightly older than Hiccup (around 16 years old in the first movie) (19 in race to the edge) and (21 in the second movie)


Hair: Long, flowing black hair that reaches past his shoulders

Eyes: Striking blue eyes that seem to pierce through the dark

Build: Tall and muscular, a true powerhouse with a commanding presence

Tattoos: huge back tattoo and a large tattoo that runs from his neck to his v line

Face: Chiseled features with a strong jawline, making him exceptionally good-looking


Ludic Glamsson has lived on Berk his entire life, growing up in close proximity to the Haddock family. His family has always been close until they passed due to a dragon attack

Skills and Abilities:

Combat Skills:

• Master swordsman and skilled in hand-to-hand combat

• Exceptional strength and agility, making him a force to be reckoned with in battle


• Extremely smart with a strategic mind, often outthinking his opponents

• Knowledgeable in various fields such as dragon lore, engineering, and tactics


Confident: Carries himself with a quiet confidence that inspires those around him

Strategic: Always thinks several steps ahead, both in battle and in everyday situations

Charismatic: His good looks and intelligence make him naturally charismatic, easily gaining the trust and admiration of others

Loyal: Deeply loyal to his friends and tribe, willing to go to great lengths to protect them


Hiccup: Hiccup fell for Ludic first, drawn to his intelligence, strength, and charisma. Over time, Ludic realized his own feelings for Hiccup, falling even harder. Their relationship is built on mutual respect, admiration, and deep affection.

Astrid: Views her as a fierce warrior and values her opinions. They share a competitive but friendly rivalry.

Toothless: Has a special bond with Toothless due to his own dragon, frostbite. The two dragons get along well, often flying together.


Name: Frostbite

Appearance: Frostbite is a large Woolly Howl with a magnificent coat of thick, fluffy fur that is primarily snowy white with subtle hints of pale blue. His scales underneath the fur are a shimmering ice-blue, reflecting the cold environments he thrives in. His eyes are a piercing icy blue, giving him an intense and focused look. Frostbite has sharp claws and formidable teeth, adapted for hunting in icy landscapes. He has large wings with a frosty membrane that allows him to glide effortlessly through the air.


Icy Breath: Frostbite can exhale a freezing breath that creates frost and ice wherever it touches, enabling him to freeze objects or enemies in their tracks.

Camouflage: His fur not only keeps him warm but also allows him to blend seamlessly into snowy environments, making him almost invisible when lying in wait for prey or enemies.

Enhanced Hearing: His large, pointed ears give him excellent auditory perception, allowing him to detect prey or danger from far distances even in blizzard conditions.

Personality: Frostbite is intelligent and calculating, with a strategic mind honed by years of surviving in harsh Arctic conditions. He is fiercely protective of his territory and those he considers his allies. Despite his imposing appearance, he is loyal and forms strong bonds with those who earn his trust. He can be somewhat aloof but shows great warmth to those he cares about.

Background: Frostbite hails from a remote, frozen island far from the main lands of dragon civilization. He grew up navigating treacherous ice caves and hunting seals and fish to survive. Over time, he developed his icy breath and honed his skills to become a formidable predator of the Arctic skies. Eventually, he ventured out into the wider world, seeking new challenges and allies to aid in his quest to protect his icy homeland.

Name: Frostbite (example name)

Species: Woolly Howl

Class: Strike Class


Strength: 8/10

• Woolly Howls are strong dragons capable of delivering powerful blows with their claws and tail.

Speed: 7/10

• Despite their bulk, Woolly Howls are surprisingly agile in the air, able to maneuver swiftly to catch prey or evade enemies.

Firepower: 6/10

• Their primary firepower comes from their icy breath, which can freeze enemies or objects on contact. It's not as destructive as fire, but it's highly effective in freezing opponents solid.

Armor: 5/10

• Woolly Howls have moderate natural armor due to their thick fur and scales, providing decent protection against attacks.

Intelligence: 7/10

• Intelligent and strategic, Woolly Howls are adept at planning and executing tactics in their icy environments.


• Vulnerable to extreme heat due to their adaptation to cold climates.

• Their reliance on icy breath means they can be less effective against enemies immune to cold or ice.

Size: Large

• Woolly Howls are formidable dragons with a significant wingspan and muscular build.

• Woolly Howls are medium to large-sized dragons, primarily adapted for Arctic climates.

• They are comparable in size to Night Furies, ranging from approximately 30 feet (9.1 meters) in length with a wingspan of about 48 feet (14.6 meters).

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