part 19

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Flying back up, Ludic joined Snotlout, who was effectively making noise to keep the Red Death off-balance. "It's working!" Snotlout shouted with a mix of adrenaline and relief.

"Yeah! It's working!" Fishlegs echoed, but their triumph was short-lived as Snotlout was suddenly hurled toward the Red Death's head. The Gronckle and Fishlegs began to descend, prompting Ludic to direct Astrid's attention to their fallen comrades. "Astrid, make sure Fishlegs is okay!" Ludic pointed down at the grounded dragon and rider. Astrid nodded and swooped down to assist.

"I can't miss! What's wrong, buddy? Got something in your eye?" Snotlout taunted, bashing at the Red Death's eyes. Ludic seized the moment, blasting the dragon again with ice, causing the scales around the impact site to shrivel from the intense cold, nearly dislodging Snotlout in the process. The Red Death now fixated on Ludic and Frostbite, its attention fully drawn to the Woolly Howl and its rider.

"Shit," Ludic muttered, trying to outmaneuver the colossal dragon. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Astrid and Toothless take flight.

"He's up! Get Snotlout out of there!" Astrid commanded, and the twins sprang into action, flying toward the grounded rider. "I'm on it!" they both declared simultaneously, their rivalry momentarily forgotten as they hurried to rescue Snotlout. With a desperate leap, he managed to secure himself on the twins dragon just as Ludic realized the Red Death had refocused its attention on him and Frostbite. The monstrous dragon attempted to suck them in with its immense jaws, using its powerful lungs to create suction that threatened to pull them in.

Ludic's grip on his beloved dragon faltered, panic seizing him as he felt himself slipping. A plasma blast suddenly struck the Red Death's side, forcing Ludic to let go and tumble toward the ground. "Aghhh!" Ludic screamed, his heart pounding in fear as he plummeted.

Seconds later, a sleek black dragon swooped in, grabbing Ludic's foot just in time. Ludic looked up to see Hiccup and Toothless, relief flooding through him. "Did you get him?" Hiccup asked Toothless, who cooed gently in response, conveying his success to the handsome Viking he carried.

They gently lowered Ludic to the ground next to Astrid, who had been anxiously watching the rescue. "GO GET 'EM, HICCUP!" Ludic yelled, his voice filled with admiration and encouragement.

The battle was a blur to Ludic, his heart racing as he watched the Red Death chase after Hiccup. Astrid sensed his distress and reached out, her hand finding his and holding tight. Ludic could barely breathe, his mind racing with worry. "Come on, Hic," he muttered, his voice barely audible amid the chaos.

The sky erupted in a blaze of red as the Red Death unleashed its fury. Ludic's legs felt weak beneath him, fear and dread threatening to overwhelm him. Where was Hiccup? Was he safe? Was he even alive?

When the smoke finally cleared, Ludic let go of Astrid's hand and sprinted toward the devastation, Stoick close beside him. "Hiccup! Hiccup! Son!" they called out desperately. Ludic's heart sank when he saw Toothless on the ground, no rider in sight. Tears welled up in his eyes as he whispered, "Hiccup..."

Stoick knelt down beside Toothless, his voice choked with emotion. "Oh, son... I did this... I'm so... I'm so sorry..." He looked at the dragon, his heart heavy with guilt. Ludic glanced at Frostbite, whose eyes mirrored his own sorrow, reflecting the weight of the moment.

Tears streamed down Ludic's face, his chest tight with grief. But then, miraculously, Toothless spread his wings, revealing Hiccup lying beneath him. Stoick removed his helmet, his hands shaking as he searched for a heartbeat. "Hiccup! Oh, he's alive! You brought him back alive!" Stoick's voice rang out with relief and gratitude.

Ludic sobbed openly now, overwhelmed with emotion. His friend was alive. Hiccup was alive. He looked up at Toothless, gratitude and awe filling his heart. "Thank you... for saving my son," Stoick said, his voice trembling with emotion.

"Well, you know... most of him," Gobber interjected with his trademark humor, glancing down at Hiccup's mangled leg. Despite the levity, Ludic couldn't stop crying tears of relief. Hiccup had made it through, and in that moment, nothing else mattered.

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