part 7

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At the cove, Hiccup approached cautiously, holding out a fish as a peace offering. The Night Fury, Toothless, emerged cautiously from behind a rock, curiosity piqued by the scent of food. He sniffed at Hiccup and the fish, his movements hesitant and wary. When Toothless caught sight of Hiccup's knife, his posture stiffened, ready to flee at the slightest hint of danger.

Realizing Toothless felt threatened, Hiccup quickly kicked his knife into the water, a gesture of trust and vulnerability. Toothless relaxed slightly, sensing the change in Hiccup's demeanor. Gradually, he approached, cautiously accepting the fish from Hiccup's hand. To Hiccup's surprise, Toothless revealed a toothless grin as he chomped the fish in half with his gums.

"Huh. Toothless. I could've sworn you had... teeth," Hiccup remarked, watching Toothless's teeth suddenly pop out of his gums and snap the fish. He chuckled nervously, holding his hands close to his chest as Toothless sniffed at him inquisitively.

"Uh, uh, no, no, no. I-I don't have any more," Hiccup stammered in a panic, hoping Toothless wouldn't mistake him for another meal. To his relief, Toothless regurgitated half of the fish, a gesture of sharing in dragon terms, and gestured for Hiccup to eat the remaining half.

As they sat together, Toothless seemed to warm up to Hiccup's presence. He attempted to mimic a smile, a gesture both endearing and slightly awkward. But when Hiccup reached out a hand in a gesture of friendship, Toothless recoiled, snarling slightly and igniting a small patch of dirt in frustration before settling down to sleep.

Hours passed with Toothless sleeping peacefully, hanging upside down like a bat, his trust in Hiccup growing by the minute. When he woke, he found Hiccup drawing Toothless's outline in the sand. Intrigued, Toothless grabbed a branch and began 'drawing' Hiccup's shape in the dirt, mimicking the human's actions with unexpected finesse.

However, Toothless grew visibly upset when Hiccup accidentally stepped on the lines he had drawn. Hiccup, realizing his mistake, carefully stepped over the lines and approached Toothless once more. Tentatively, Hiccup extended his hand, keeping his gaze averted to appear non-threatening. Toothless hesitated for a moment, his eyes fixed on Hiccup's hand.

Finally, with a snort and a gesture of trust, Toothless leaned forward and gently touched his nose to Hiccup's hand. It was a small but significant moment of connection between human and dragon, one that marked the beginning of a remarkable friendship. Toothless, satisfied and perhaps relieved, darted away into the cove, leaving Hiccup smiling in wonder at the bond they were beginning to forge.

late that night, Ludic was quietly resting in his home when he heard soft cooing sounds from outside. Curious, he opened the door only to be greeted by Frostbite, the large Woolly Howl, who startled him with a playful jump backward. Ludic chuckled nervously as Frostbite quickly regained his composure and bounded forward, nudging Ludic affectionately.

"Hey there, big guy. You're getting too good at sneaking up on me," Ludic said with a smile, allowing Frostbite to enter his home. The dragon made himself comfortable by the open fire, his presence filling the room with warmth and a sense of security.

"Okay, now you're just using my house for naps," Ludic teased, patting Frostbite gently as he settled down beside him. The thick fur of the dragon was warm and cozy against Ludic's side, and Frostbite responded with a contented purr, enjoying the closeness and affection.

For Ludic, the bond with Frostbite was becoming more evident with each passing day. Despite the initial surprise and occasional challenges of having a dragon in his home, Ludic found comfort in Frostbite's presence. The dragon, in turn, seemed to relish the companionship and care Ludic offered, making their growing friendship a source of mutual solace and understanding.

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