part 14

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The next day, Ludic stood at the edge of the arena, watching intently as Astrid and Hiccup prepared for the final selection. The sun was high in the sky, casting long shadows and heightening the tension in the air. The crowd of Vikings was noisy, filled with anticipation and excitement. Ludic felt a knot of anxiety tighten in his stomach as he glanced at Hiccup, who looked calm yet determined.

"Stay out of my way! I'm winning this thing," Astrid declared, her voice full of fierce determination. She gripped her axe tightly, her knuckles white.

"Good. Please, by all means," Hiccup replied nonchalantly, making Ludic chuckle quietly under his breath. His confidence was admirable, but it also made Ludic worry about the consequences.

"You got it, Astrid!" a Viking yelled from the crowd, adding to the intense atmosphere. Astrid's eyes blazed with resolve as she prepared to face the dragon.

"This time! This time, for sure! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGGGGGHHHHHHHH!" Astrid screamed, charging at the dragon with her axe raised high. Her battle cry echoed through the arena, a testament to her fierce spirit. But just as she was about to strike, she skidded to a halt, her eyes widening in disbelief.

The Gronckle lay peacefully on the ground, with Hiccup standing calmly beside it. He had already tamed the dragon, a feat that left Astrid fuming with frustration. "NO! NO! SON OF HALF-TROLL, RAT-EATING MUNGE BUCKET!" she screamed, her voice filled with anger and disappointment. This outburst made Ludic laugh from beside Stoick, who watched the proceedings with a mix of pride and curiosity.

"Wait! Wait!" Stoick called out, trying to calm the chaos. Hiccup began to walk away, attempting to exit the arena.

"So, later," Hiccup said, hoping to make a quick escape.

"Not so fast!" Gobber said, grabbing the back of Hiccup's shirt and pulling him back. Hiccup stumbled slightly, caught off guard by Gobber's firm grip.

"I'm kinda late for—" Hiccup started to explain, but was cut off by an irate Astrid.

"What?! Late for what, exactly?!" Astrid demanded, pointing her axe threateningly at Hiccup. Her frustration was palpable, and Ludic felt his muscles tense in response. He instinctively prepared to intervene if things got out of hand.

"Okay, quiet down. The Elder has decided," Stoick announced, his voice commanding attention. Gobber pointed to Astrid, who stood rigid, her face a mask of fury. Gothi, the village Elder, shook her head, signaling that Astrid was not the chosen one. Then, Gobber pointed to Hiccup, and Gothi nodded her head decisively.

"You've done it! You've done it, Hiccup! You get to kill the dragon!" Gobber yelled, his voice filled with pride and excitement. The crowd erupted in cheers, but Hiccup's face remained expressionless as he looked towards Ludic.

Ludic returned Hiccup's gaze, his own face showing a sad frown. The reality of what this meant weighed heavily on both of them. Hiccup had accomplished something incredible, but it came with the heavy burden of killing a creature he had come to understand and care for.

"Ha, ha! That's my boy!" Stoick yelled, his voice booming with pride. His joy was evident, but Ludic could see the conflict in Hiccup's eyes. The arena, once filled with excitement and anticipation, now felt suffocating as the true weight of Hiccup's achievement settled over them.

Later that night, Hiccup walked into the cove, expecting to be greeted by Frostbite's playful tackle. The area was eerily quiet, the usual bustling of dragons absent. Assuming Ludic was out flying, Hiccup's mind raced as he spoke to himself, planning their escape from Berk.

"...LEAVING! We're leaving. Let's pack up. Looks like you and me are taking a little vacation, forever. Ah, man... Aggh! What the-- What are you doing here?" Hiccup's voice echoed as he noticed Astrid perched on a rock, sharpening her axe, her eyes piercing through him.

"I want to know what's going on. No one just gets as good as you do. Especially you. Start talking! Are you training with someone? Is Ludic training you? Because I know for sure he wouldn't waste his breath on you," Astrid demanded, her tone a mix of frustration and suspicion.

"Uh... training?" Hiccup stammered, taken aback by her sudden confrontation and the intensity of her gaze as she stepped closer.

"It better not involve this!" Astrid snapped, grabbing at the leather harness strapped around Hiccup's chest.

"I know this looks really bad, but you see...this is, uh... You're right! You're right! You're right. I'm through with the lies. I've been making... outfits. So, you got me. It's time everyone knew. Drag me back. Go ahead. Here we go." Hiccup tried to lead her out of the cove, but Astrid, fueled by frustration and curiosity, bent his arm backward, forcing him to the ground with an audible crack.

"OW! Why would you DO that?!" Hiccup yelped, writhing in pain on the ground.

"That's for the lies," Astrid said coldly, dropping the handle of her axe onto his gut, knocking the wind out of him. "And THAT'S for everything else."

As Hiccup struggled to catch his breath, Toothless emerged from behind a rock, growling protectively. Astrid stepped back, her axe still poised to strike.

"Get down! RUN! RUN!" Astrid shouted, panic rising in her voice.

"NO! No. It's okay! It's okay... she's a friend. It's okay. You just scared him," Hiccup said, quickly stepping between Astrid and Toothless, trying to calm the situation.

"I scared him?! Who is 'him'?" Astrid retorted, still wary and on edge.

"Astrid, Toothless. Toothless, Astrid," Hiccup introduced, trying to defuse the tension. Astrid's eyes widened in realization as she took a step back, the shock evident on her face.

Without warning, Astrid turned and sprinted away from the cove, clearly intent on exposing their secret. Hiccup watched her go, feeling a surge of dread. He turned back to Toothless, who was waddling away dejectedly.

"Da, da-da! We're dead!" Hiccup exclaimed, his mind racing with the possible consequences.

Toothless glanced back at him, seemingly unbothered by the human drama. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Where do you think you're going?!" Hiccup called out, chasing after the black dragon, desperation and fear mingling in his voice. The reality of their precarious situation weighed heavily on his shoulders as he scrambled to find a solution.

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