part 11

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Ludic stood beside Gobber, observing as Hiccup approached the Deadly Nadder with a confident stride. With a practiced motion, Hiccup scratched the dragon just below its chin, causing it to relax and settle down into a peaceful slumber.

"Hiccup, you're totally going to come in first, there's no question," Tuffnut exclaimed, his admiration evident in his voice.

Ludic nodded in agreement, impressed by Hiccup's growing ability to handle dragons with such ease and finesse. After the training session, he walked alongside Hiccup towards the cove, engaging in casual conversation about various topics that ranged from dragon behavior to the latest village gossip.

Arriving at his favorite spot nestled into the side of Frostbite, Ludic settled down comfortably. The Woolly Howl's warmth enveloped him, making it easy to relax. He opened a book and began reading, occasionally glancing up to watch Hiccup and Toothless in the distance.

Ludic chuckled softly as he observed Toothless chasing a shiny light that Hiccup created using the sun and a hammer. The dragon's playful antics reminded him of a giant, affectionate cat.

"Big kitty cat," Ludic remarked in a low tone, causing Frostbite to emit a deep purr beneath him. The dragon's response brought a smile to Ludic's face, appreciating the bond he had formed not only with Frostbite but also with Hiccup and Toothless.

"Meet the Terrible Terror," Gobber announced, the anticipation evident in his voice as he swung open the cage door. The dragon that emerged was tiny, barely larger than a chihuahua. Laughter erupted among the teens at the sight of the miniature creature.

"Ha! That's like the size of my—" Tuffnut began, but his words were abruptly cut off as the Terrible Terror leaped at his face.

"AH! GET IT OFF! OH, I'M HURT! I AM VERY MUCH HURT!" Tuffnut yelled, flailing as he ran towards the exit, the tiny dragon clinging to him with surprising tenacity.

Meanwhile, the Terrible Terror, having dislodged itself from Tuffnut, caught sight of a glinting reflection off Hiccup's shield. With agile movements, it darted after the light, swiftly retreating back into its enclosure.

"Wow, he's better than you ever were," Ruffnut teased Astrid, her playful jab pointedly aimed at her friend. The comment struck a nerve, and Astrid shot a sharp glance toward Ludic. Her irritation flared upon seeing Ludic's gaze fixed on Hiccup, a warm smile spreading across his face.

Ludic, engrossed in observing Hiccup's skillful interaction with the Terrible Terror, admired his friend's ability to handle even the smallest dragons with ease and creativity. To Ludic, Hiccup's compassionate approach to dragons was both impressive and inspiring, a stark contrast to the traditional Viking mindset.

Astrid couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy as she watched Ludic's unwavering admiration for Hiccup.

Later that evening, Astrid caught sight of Hiccup and Ludicwalking to the cove. Hiccup held a harness in his hands, and they sprinted away leavin astrid in the dust.

"That was close," Ludic remarked as he entered the cove, glancing at Hiccup, who nodded in agreement.

"Let's try this out," Hiccup suggested, showing Ludic a detailed diagram on a piece of paper. Ludic nodded in understanding as Frostbite lounged nearby, watching with curiosity.

Ludic and Frostbite observed as Hiccup began practicing new tail positions with Toothless. They were engrossed in their task when suddenly, the rope snapped, causing the safety hook to bend and leaving rider and dragon inadvertently tethered together.

"Oh, great," Hiccup muttered, examining the damaged harness with concern. Ludic thought for a moment before suggesting a plan.

"Let's wait until nightfall. We can sneak you into the forge," Ludic proposed quietly, eyeing the bent metal thoughtfully.

Later that night, under the cloak of darkness, Hiccup and Ludic stealthily brought Toothless into the blacksmith shop to remove the connecting cord. The atmosphere was tense as they worked swiftly and quietly, knowing any noise could betray their presence.

Suddenly, Toothless accidentally knocked over a bucket, creating a loud clatter that echoed through the silent forge. Astrid's voice called out from outside, shattering the uneasy stillness.

"Hiccup? Are you in there?" Astrid's inquiry made Ludic, Toothless, and Hiccup freeze in place.

"Astrid. Hey! Hi, Astrid. Hi, Astrid. Hi, Astrid," Hiccup stammered nervously, trying to divert her attention.

"I normally don't care what people do, but you're acting weird. Well, weirder," Astrid remarked suspiciously, her footsteps approaching the forge door.

Before anyone could react, the shutter doors suddenly swung open, pulling Hiccup out into the open.

"Get on," Hiccup urged Ludic urgently, his eyes wide with determination.

Ludic hesitated only briefly before climbing onto Toothless's back, his arms instinctively wrapping tightly around Hiccup's waist. It was Ludic's first time riding a dragon, and the experience was exhilarating and terrifying all at once.

Unnoticed by Astrid, Hiccup swiftly activated Toothless's tail fin, and they shot into the sky with exhilarating speed. Ludic clung to Hiccup tightly, the wind whipping past them as they soared higher and higher, leaving Astrid behind in the darkness below.

As they ascended, Ludic felt a surge of adrenaline mixed with awe. The bond between Hiccup and Toothless was undeniable, and Ludic couldn't help but feel privileged to witness it firsthand. Beside him, Hiccup's focus was unwavering, guiding Toothless through the night sky with skill and determination.

For Ludic, this unexpected flight marked a turning point. It wasn't just about riding a dragon; it was about embracing a new perspective on dragons and the possibilities they represented. As they glided through the night, Ludic knew that his path had been forever altered by the experience, and he looked forward to what the future would bring in this new world of dragons and Vikings.

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