part 10

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In the heart of the forge, the rhythmic clang of metal against metal resonated through the air as Ludic and Hiccup worked side by side. The scent of heated leather and the warmth of the fire filled the room as they meticulously crafted two saddles—one for Frostbite and one for Toothless.

Ludic, skilled with leatherwork from his experience crafting weapon holders, deftly cut and shaped the material, creating a snug and durable saddle for Frostbite. His hands moved with practiced ease, ensuring every stitch and seam was secure and comfortable for the dragon.

Hiccup, on the other hand, struggled a bit more with the leather. His brow furrowed in concentration as he measured and cut, occasionally asking Ludic for guidance on techniques. Despite the challenges, he persisted with determination, driven by the desire to create something that would benefit his newfound friend, Toothless.

As they worked, Ludic couldn't help but notice the bond forming between the dragons outside it was the middle of the night so hiccup deemed it safe for the dragons to be here with them and if a Viking did come frostbit could fly away and toothless could hide as it was pitch-black outside it wouldn't be hard. Through the open forge doors, he watched as Toothless and Frostbite interacted, Toothless nuzzling Frostbite in what seemed like an expression of gratitude and camaraderie.

"I think Toothless just needed a friend," Ludic remarked with a smile, glancing over at Hiccup who was carefully threading a needle.

"Yeah," Hiccup replied, his voice tinged with both exhaustion and satisfaction. "It's amazing how dragons can understand each other, even when we humans struggle to."

The next day dawned clear and bright, the air crisp with the promise of adventure. Ludic stood at the edge of the village, watching as Hiccup ran out into the open, Frostbite by his side. The saddle, crafted with care the previous day, rested securely on Frostbite's back, fitting snugly and comfortably.

"Toothless, come on!" Hiccup called out eagerly, waving his arms to beckon the Night Fury. Toothless bounded after him, his movements lithe and eager. Ludic couldn't help but admire how similar Toothless and Frostbite appeared in build, though each possessed their own unique characteristics and charm.

As Ludic sat perched on the rock, Frostbite snoozed contentedly beneath him, the scene before him unfolded with a mix of awe and amusement. Hiccup, aboard Toothless, wrestled with the prosthetic tail fin, attempting to adjust its position amidst the gusts of wind. Ludic watched with a grin as they struggled against the elements, the bond between rider and dragon evident even in their clumsy moments.

Suddenly, a strong gust knocked them off balance, sending Hiccup and Toothless tumbling backwards. Ludic's eyes widened as Toothless crashed into a field of Dragon Nip, the potent herb enveloping the Night Fury in its relaxing embrace.

"Whoa!" Ludic exclaimed, observing from the rock. He chuckled softly to himself, marveling at how even the mighty Toothless could succumb to the allure of Dragon Nip's effects.

Later that day, back at the training arena, Ludic observed as Hiccup demonstrated the surprising power of Dragon Nip. With a few deft strokes, Hiccup calmed a frenzied Gronckle, rubbing the herb on its nose and bringing an unexpected halt to the training session.

"What was that? Some kind of trick? What did you do?" Fishlegs questioned, his curiosity piqued alongside the others'.

"How'd you do that?" Tuffnut chimed in, his eyes wide with amazement.

"It was really cool," Ruffnut added, nodding in agreement.

Hiccup chuckled modestly, shrugging off the praise as he turned to retrieve his axe from the ring as an excuse to leave the convocation. "I left my axe back in the ring. You guys go on ahead. I'll catch up with you."

Meanwhile, Ludic made his way back to the cove, his steps guided by the familiar path through the forest. As he entered the clearing, he spotted Frostbite and Toothless lying side by side, basking in the warmth of the afternoon sun. Ludic whistled softly, rousing the dragons from their restful state.

Frostbite bounded over eagerly, pressing his massive head against Ludic's body in a show of affection that toppled the Viking over. Ludic laughed heartily, patting the fluffy dragon's head with fondness.

"Thank you for saving me back there," Hiccup's voice interrupted Ludic's moment with Frostbite as he walking into the cove. Ludic turned to see the chestnut haired boy with a smirk.

"You had it under control," Ludic replied with a smile, acknowledging Hiccup's capabilities.

Toothless, sensing Hiccup's return, ambled over and nuzzled against him. Hiccup reciprocated the gesture, scratching Toothless just below the chin. Ludic watched in mock horror as Toothless promptly collapsed, feigning unconsciousness.

"OMG, what the hell did you just do? You killed Toothless!" Ludic exclaimed dramatically, sitting up with a feigned expression of shock.

Hiccup grinned mischievously, unfazed by Ludic's antics. He strolled over to Frostbite and repeated the gesture, causing the Woolly Howl to flop onto Ludic's lap with a heavy sigh.

Ludic burst into laughter, unable to contain his amusement at the dragons' playful antics. As he looked up at Hiccup, he realized how much their shared love for dragons had transformed him. Ludic seemed happier and more alive than he had in a long time, and somehow, Hiccup found himself sharing in that happiness.

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