part 8

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The next day, Hiccup returned to the cove with a basket of fish and the prosthetic fin in hand, ready to continue his efforts with Toothless. He approached cautiously, speaking soothingly to the Night Fury as he displayed the assortment of fish.

"Hey, Toothless. I brought breakfast. I hope you're hungry. Okay, that's disgusting. Uh... we've got some salmon, some nice Icelandic cod, and a whole smoked eel," Hiccup said, offering the fish to Toothless. However, the sight of the eel caused Toothless to roar in fear, startling both of them.

"No, no, no, no! It's okay," Hiccup reassured, quickly tossing the eel aside. "Yeah, I don't really like eel much either."

As Toothless began eating the fish, Hiccup seized the opportunity to approach his tail where the prosthetic fin awaited installation.

"Okay. That's it. That's it, just stick with the good stuff. And don't mind me. I'll just be back here... minding my own business," Hiccup muttered to himself nervously as he worked to attach the new tail-fin to Toothless.

"It's okay. Okay... okay... There. That's not too bad. It works," Hiccup declared hopefully, stepping back to admire his handiwork. Toothless, sensing a change, stopped eating and perked up, seeming to realize that he might be able to fly again.

Excitement bubbled up in Hiccup as Toothless took off suddenly, with Hiccup literally clinging to his tail. They sped toward a looming rock wall, and Hiccup frantically adjusted the tail fin.

"Whoa! No! No! No!" Hiccup cried out in alarm, desperately trying to steer them away from the collision course.

"OH, MY-- IT'S WORKING! YES! YES, I DID IT!" Hiccup shouted triumphantly as they narrowly avoided the wall, the wind rushing past them.

Toothless, however, abruptly realized Hiccup was on his tail and threw him off, sending Hiccup tumbling through the air. Unable to control the fin on his own, Toothless also lost balance and crashed into the lake with a mighty splash.

"AAAAAGGGGHHHHH! Yeah!" Hiccup exclaimed with a mix of exhilaration and humor, floating in the water as Toothless surfaced nearby.

Later that day, during another training session at the arena, a greenish fog suddenly filled the air, enveloping the dragons and Vikings alike.

"Today is about teamwork. Now, a wet dragon head can't light its fire. The Hideous Zippleback is extra tricky. One head breathes gas, the other head lights it. Your job is to know which is which," Gobber instructed, his voice slightly muffled by the fog.

Ludic stood beside Gobber with a smirk, amused by the chaos unfolding. "Okay, even I couldn't tell which was which," Ludic remarked, glancing over at Gobber who chuckled in agreement. "I know, that's what's so fun about it," Gobber replied, nodding knowingly.

Fishlegs began to recite the dragon's characteristics, but Hiccup interrupted him in frustration. "Will you please stop that?!"

Snotlout, mistaking Astrid and Ruffnut for the Zippleback, drenched them with water. "Hey! It's us, idiots!" Ruffnut exclaimed. Tuffnut added, "Your butts are getting bigger. We thought you were a dragon."

Astrid retaliated by punching Snotlout in the face, and Ruffnut threw her bucket at Tuffnut, who was then dragged into the wall of smoke.

"Wait," Astrid exclaimed as she and the others were knocked off their feet by the dragon's tail.

"OH, I'M HURT! I AM VERY MUCH HURT!" Tuffnut cried, running out of the mist toward the exit.

"Chances of survival are dwindling into single-digits now," Fishlegs commented calmly as one of the Zippleback heads emerged from the mist. Fishlegs attempted to throw water at its face, but unfortunately, it was the wrong head. The dragon angrily spewed out green gas.

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