part 18

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Stoick's voice reverberated with grim determination amidst the chaos of the mountain's breach. "When we crack this mountain open, all hell is going to break loose."

Gobber, always a source of levity even in dire times, remarked with a touch of nervous humor, gaining a discusted look form spitelout "In my undies. Good thing I brought extras."

"No matter how this ends, it ends today," Stoick affirmed resolutely, his eyes scanning the horizon as the catapults breached the mountain's side making a large crack in the side stoick walked inside and hefted his hand as a signal, the other Vikings sent a flaming ball of straw crashing into the cavern, revealing its hidden secret—thousands of dragons nestled against the walls of the cave.

Stoick charged in with a ferocious battle cry, but instead of a counterattack, the dragons scattered in terror, their flight stirring a brief moment of relief among the Vikings. "Is that it?" Gobber asked, disbelief evident in his voice as they momentarily caught their breath.

"We've done it!" Spitelout exclaimed triumphantly, but the jubilation was short-lived as a deafening roar shook the ground beneath their feet and the sound was so loud man Vikings dropped to the ground. The mountain began to tremble once more.

"This isn't over! Form your ranks! Hold together!" Stoick commanded urgently, his voice cutting through the rising panic.

"Get clear!" Stoick bellowed, the urgency in his tone matched only by the impending danger. And many Vikings ran away

"Beard of Thor... what is that?" Gobber's voice wavered as he looked up, eyes widening in terror at the sight of the Red Death—a dragon more than five times the size of their mightiest ships—erupting from the mountain with furious roars.

"Odin, help us! Catapults!" Stoick's orders were swift as he marshaled the Vikings to prepare for the impending battle.

"Get to the ships!" a panicked Viking urged, but Stoick's resolve held firm against retreat.

"No! NO!" Stoick's voice thundered as the Red Death unleashed its wrath upon the Viking fleet, setting their ships ablaze.

"I was a fool," Stoick muttered grimly, the weight of responsibility heavy upon his shoulders. He turned to Spitelout, his trusted lieutenant, and issued a directive. "Lead the men to the far side of the island."

"Right! Everybody to the far side of the island!" Spitelout rallied the troops, urgency in every word.

"Gobber, go with the men," Stoick commanded, unwilling to risk losing another friend to the dragon's fury.

"I think I'll stay, just in case you're thinking of doing something crazy," Gobber replied staunchly, his loyalty unwavering.

"I can buy them a few minutes if I give that thing someone to hunt," Stoick stated resolutely, his mind racing with a plan to divert the Red Death's attention.

"Then I can double that time," Gobber offered, extending his hand to Stoick in a swift gesture of solidarity.

"HERE!" Stoick's voice rang out defiantly, drawing the Red Death's attention toward himself.

"Oh, no, HERE!" Gobber's voice echoed with equal determination, standing by Stoick's side in the face of imminent danger.

But just as the Red Death was about to unleash its fiery breath upon Stoick, Ludic's voice cut through the chaos. "Fire!" he shouted, a blast of blue ice exploding against the back of the massive dragon's head. The Red Death recoiled in agony, scales shriveling from the intense cold, momentarily distracted from its destructive path.

Confusion rippled among the Vikings on the ground as they witnessed dragons flying overhead, their allies now taking to the skies. Hiccup, gripping onto Ludic atop Frostbite, shouted orders amidst the swirling chaos. "Ruff, Tuff, watch your backs! Move, Fishlegs!"

"LOOK AT US! WE'RE ON A DRAGON! WE'RE ON DRAGONS! ALL OF US!" Tuffnut's exhilaration was palpable, though he struggled to keep Zephyrback steady.

"Up, let's move it!" Hiccup urged, and the gang of riders and dragons ascended into the turbulent skies.

"Fishlegs, break it down!" Hiccup commanded, though Ludic needed to assist Frostbite with maneuvers. "Okay! Heavily armored skull and tail made for bashing and crushing! Steer clear of both! Small eyes, large nostrils! Relies on hearing and smell!" Fishlegs relayed critical information to the gang.

"Lout, Legs, hang in its blind spot! Make some noise, keep it confused! Ruff, Tuff, find out if it has a shot limit! Make it mad! Astrid, make sure everyone is okay on the ground," Hiccup directed, his instructions clear and urgent. Astrid nodded and flew off on her Nadder to ensure the safety of their allies below.

"That's my specialty!" Ruffnut declared with gusto, though Ludic couldn't help but chuckle knowing she had a knack for irritating most Vikings in the village. "Since when?! Everyone knows I'm more irritating! See?!" Tuffnut countered, making faces at his sister in playful defiance.

"Just do what I told you! I'll be back as soon as I can!" Hiccup reassured, and Snotlout chimed in confidently, "Don't worry, we got it covered!" before flying off on the Monstrous Nightmare.

Ludic guided Frostbite over the burning ships, spotting a safe landing spot indicated by Hiccup. "There!" Hiccup pointed, and Ludic gently dropped him off. "Go help the others," Hiccup instructed, concern evident in his voice. "Be safe, okay?" Ludic nodded in silent acknowledgment before Hiccup began aiding his dragon.

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