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"YOU need to smile more, sister," Finan drawled to Bemia sitting between him and Clapa on a log back in Coccham, days later. "Where is your usual bickering?"

"I'm tired, that is all," she lied, resting a hand on her chin.

Truth was, she was pissed off and felt like half her being was missing with Sihtric not around. The morning he left, she had slept through his goodbye, and she was beyond upset with herself. Every day since his departure, she had been more snappy and sluggish which was a concern to the men. And Gisela had noticed, giving Uhtred an earful at one point for sending Sihtric away.

"You miss the pretty boy," Clapa guessed, throwing a stone toward a stack of stones ahead of them and missing.

"Ah." Finan laughed, playfully elbowing Bemia's side. "Do you miss your husband?"

"Husband?" Bemia shrieked, dropping her hand as she snapped her head toward his laughing face. "Sihtric is not my husband."

Clapa laughed. "Oh, but we know he will be one day."

Bemia scowled at the both of them. "You don't know what you're talking about," she grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest. "Keep hitting stones, you turds."

Finan and Clapa laughed at her, but Clapa's died down quickly and he pointed ahead. "It is Rypere."

At that, Bemia's eyes darted to Rypere atop his horse, heading toward the gates behind the trio.

"He must have news from Beamfleot," Finan insisted, standing up. "I'll go and tell Uhtred."

But Clapa elbowed him in the ribs, sending Finan rolling backward over the log with a grunt. "Uhtred!" he shouted, quickly standing up.

Bemia rolled her eyes and kicked her foot out, sweeping Clapa off his feet and sending him onto the ground beside Finan. "I will tell my brother," she laughed, walking past them.

The two men swore at her while she ignored it, running up to Rypere who slowed down at the gates when he spotted her.

"Sihtric is okay?" she worriedly asked, patting the neck of his horse.

"Of course, Lady," Rypere assured her with a small smile. "He has sent me here with news for your brother and a gift for you."

She raised a brow, walking beside him and the horse through the gates. "A gift? What of?"

Rypere opened his saddle bag, looking through it for a few seconds before he pulled out a small bag and handed it to her. "He said it is his luck for you."

"Thank you." She sent him a small smile, holding the bag tightly in her hand. "Now of this news, do I get the horses ready?"

"I would suggest it, Lady," Rypere firmly said.

And that was all Bemia had to know as she parted away, walking toward the stables while opening the bag. When she pulled out the gift, she halted beside the stables, a smile on her lips.

"What is that, Lady?" Osferth questioned, walking past her to the horses.

"A gift," she whispered, her fingers gently touching Thor's hammer attached to the end of the necklace. "A gift from Sihtric."

"May I ask you a question, Lady?" he suddenly questioned. Bemia tore her eyes away from the necklace, sending him a small smile to ask. "Uh...How did you deal with your first kill?"

Bemia wasn't expecting that question and she tilted her head, taking in his nervous state and the way he seemed to try and make himself seem smaller. "That's a difficult question," she admitted. "Have you killed anyone yet?" He quickly shook his head and she sadly smiled, patting his shoulder. "It truly depends, baby monk. I was seven when I killed a man, but I did it to survive so my guilt barely controlled me." She paused, ruffling up his hair, bringing a smile to his face. "Stick with me and I'll make sure you don't have to kill anyone. It can be our little secret."

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