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   "SO, you only have the three children?" Eadith asked Bemia the next day as they each held Katja and Aelfwynn, walking through the forest.

Since their training in the forest yesterday, Bemia had been trying to avoid Eadith, but that was hard to do so when they were all on the run together. And she still couldn't figure out why her body suddenly grew nervous around Eadith, especially when there was no reason.

Bemia hummed. "Well, Espen and Katja are my blood whereas Osferth I took in years ago."

"Is that why he's a bastard?" Eadith questioned and Bemia nodded with a small smile. "Then was Espen a child you had before you met Sihtric considering he called himself a bastard?"

"That's actually an odd story," Bemia admitted with a small laugh. "When I had Espen, I was fourteen and the whole thing was complicated. But, uh, I was actually lied to when Espen was born. They said he died during the birth, and I never got to see him or even knew he was actually alive until a few weeks ago when he showed up." Eadith sent her a surprised look. "Complicated, like I said," she snorted. "His father is the King of Norway, but I haven't spoken to Ebbe in years and Espen hasn't spoken to him since he found me. Honestly, I would rather not speak to his father again. I have Sihtric and my little family now and that's all that matters."

Eadith was truly baffled by the new information she had been told but nevertheless, she sent her a smile. "That is...quite a start to life," she said with a nervous laugh.

"There are many more tales of my life that are just as complicated as that," Bemia lightly admitted.

"Are you two all right back there?" Finan called out, looking over his shoulder at the four of them.

Bemia waved him off. "We're just talking."

Sihtric halted beside Finan, sending his wife a relieved smile. "Well, mind hurrying up? There's a path up here."

At that, Bemia and Eadith quickened their pace up the small hill while being careful with the girls by their sides. Sweat was covering everyone by the time they reached the path, looking left to right at the sight of no one and then at the field of long grass beyond.

Young Uhtred chuckled, looking around. "An actual path."

"A good sign," Uhtred declared. "Next village we get to, we can get some horses, move more quickly." He took the lead down the path as the others stuck close. "Without wind, the sickness cannot have reached this far north."

"Mind holding her hand?" Eadith quietly asked Bemia who nodded, taking Aelfwynn's hand before she jogged up to Uhtred's side.

"Mama, I'm tired," Katja tiredly sighed, her face flushed red from the heat.

Sihtric picked her up before Bemia could even think about it. "Try and have a sleep," he whispered to his daughter, rubbing her back. "I promise soon you'll be able to eat."

Eadith turned around, walking back to Bemia with a small smile. "How is she feeling?"

Bemia squeezed Aelfwynn's hand gently. "Well, she hasn't complained yet, so I would say she's doing well." She then leaned closer to Eadith. "But I fear all this walking may exhaust her soon enough."

"I fear she's getting worse by the day," Eadith whispered with a dreadful look.

"As do I." Bemia sadly smiled. "But her father was a—"

Behind them, the sound of horses whining sounded and Bemia went on alert, looking over her shoulder.

"Horses?" Uhtred stopped, turning around to look behind them and Bemia's eyes widened at the sight of horses and men. "Head over that ridge. Go!"

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