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   AFTER some time of walking, Finan ended up with Aethelstan on his shoulders, Uhtred carried Aelfwynn in his arms, and Katja was on Sihtric's back as they all walked through a meadow full of wildflowers and long grass that kept getting caught in the end of Bemia's hair.

"Could I confess something?" Eadith quietly asked Bemia, the pair walking side by side behind the others.

Bemia wiped the sweat off her forehead with a nod. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, yes," she quickly said and then sent her a smile. "I never believed you were real."

Bemia was baffled by that and let out a small laugh. "What do you mean?"

Eadith picked a yellow wildflower, spinning it between her thumb and pointer finger, watching the petals blur together. "My brother used to talk about the Red Wolf, and he was not pleased by your tales," she confessed, and they both shared a small laugh. "I couldn't help but want to hear more about you," she went on. "We all know how women are treated from the moment they're born whether you're Saxon or Dane...so to hear a Dane woman that was talked about as if she were a Goddess, by even the Saxons, it seemed untrue."

Bemia snorted, raising a brow. "I must admit, I enjoy watching the fear and shock in men's eyes when they find out who I am. But it saddens me that it seems untrue."

"It's just..." Eadith trailed off, searching for a word. "Unusual to think that a woman can hold such a reputation." She looked over at Bemia who hummed her agreement. "But after seeing you with the children, there's more to you, isn't there? There's a side to you that isn't talked about. All I've heard about is your killings and brutality but not your care."

Bemia deeply sighed, running her hand over the top of the long grass. "That's because men believe that a woman can't be brutal and caring. Their minds are too small to expect it. Yes, I'm a brutal killer but I'm also a mother, a sister, a daughter—it's in my nature to care as much as I am a skilled killer."

Eadith nodded, dropping the flower as the quiet chatter of the others filled the silence with the sun shining down on them.

"Would you mind teaching me a few things?" Eadith shyly asked.

Bemia's eyes lit up as she looked at her with a warm smile. "Of course," she happily said and then looked at Stiorra who walked in front of them. "I often teach Stiorra and my daughter what I know—just not so much on how to kill someone...well, not my daughter at least. But I would be happy to teach you."

Stiorra, who had been listening, turned around and joined Bemia's side, sending Eadith a grin. "Her favorite thing she taught me was how to cut off a cock with two moves."

"You taught her that?" Uhtred groaned from up ahead.

Bemia rolled her eyes as Stiorra and Eadith laughed. "She's a young woman, brother. I'm only preparing her against the cruelty of men! You should be thanking me."

"She's right, Lord," Eadith hummed her agreement. "Most men enjoy preying on young women."

Sihtric furrowed his brows, looking back at them. "I don't know how I feel about that statement."

"With the Red Wolf as your wife, I feel I can confidently say that that statement doesn't include you," Espen chuckled, falling back to walk beside him and Katja.

"Aunty would've killed him by now if otherwise," Stiorra mumbled before her eyes squeezed shut and she sneezed.

Bemia darted around to Eadith's other side, covering her mouth with a hand. "Hell no!"

Finan whirled around, eyes wide and full of fear as he stared at Stiorra. "What's wrong with you?"

Stiorra furrowed her brows at him. "I have a fever from the grasses," she argued. "I do not have it!"

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