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*Not Edited*

   YEARS later, snow was coating the grounds of a mighty castle while a silver-haired woman walked into the throne room, her nose and cheeks faintly red against her pale skin from the chilly weather.

Many white wolf pelts covered her shoulders, showing off the swollen belly under her emerald green gown as she beamed a smile at the sight of her eldest son rocking his daughter while Sigtryggr quietly talked to him, the two men already planning deaths of any man that wished to one day wed the first daughter of Espen.

"You should be in bed!" Stiorra quipped, her long brown hair blowing behind her as she rushed toward Bemia, throwing a wool blanket at Sigtryggr who was baffled by the sudden hit to his face. "Alerk told us to make sure you stayed in bed today."

Bemia waved her off with a small laugh, pushing her hair out of her face. "My husband stresses too much."

After the battle of Winchester, Bemia made a decision between her son and daughter at Sihtric's demand...and she chose her son, along with Ebbe's Kingdom.

For years, Katja was kept with her father and Bemia did not get to see either of them. But one day, Uhtred, Osferth, and Finan had arrived in Norway at Bemia's Kingdom and the young girl was with them, full of happy tears and squeals at the sight of her mother. Since that day, Katja had been visiting as much as she could with tales of how she had been growing up under her father's care. Every now and then, the young woman also brought along her two closest friends: Aethelstan and Cynlaef.

The trio always found themselves in trouble while roaming Bemia's kingdom and many times Espen had been in fights with older men because of his sister. The young woman was too much like her mother and father.

Sadly, Sihtric never visited once. No letter. No messengers. Absolutely nothing. And Katja rarely spoke of her father when she visited, knowing he was a tough topic for her mother who never allowed the truth of her heartbreak show.

And so the once madly in love pair soon divorced, leaving each other in their pasts with shared memories and a daughter.

With no husband, Bemia's people started to spread hushed whispers, threatening to overthrow her for the throne. Due to this, Bemia needed a strong alliance to keep the throne for her eldest son, which was how she found herself being married to the King of Sweden.

Alrek was a strong, mighty warrior with the heart of a Dane. But it was not always kind. Time and time again, his anger got the best of him, bringing out an ugly side of his heart that left marks behind on anyone who was in his range of fire.

Despite this, their marriage had to stay standing. For their people and her family, Bemia took everything that was thrown at her, threatening to knock her down again and again.

And then more years had passed and Bemia gave birth to twin boys that were the complete opposites to each other. It was truly funny to watch them together at times now that they were growing up, constantly fighting with each other.

"Father is right," Baldor said, Bemia's youngest twin boy who had short brown hair and forest green eyes, like his father. "You were awfully sick last night."

Bemia accepted Stiorra's extended hand, sending around a warm smile. "I was also awfully sick with you and your brother, but I still fought in many raids while carrying you both," she lightly reminded them with a small hum. "Now, the King has left back to Sweden for a month and I have received a letter from Uh—"

"Bem!" a familiar voice softly called out and everyone went on alert—well, except Bemia whose smile grew when copper hair came into view and Eadith strolled into the throne room, only wearing a thin cloak despite the cold. "Ah, there you are!"

"Eadith!" Bemia laughed in surprise, waddling over to her with her arms open.

Eadith's eyes widened when she looked down at Bemia's swollen belly and quickly hurried over. "My God, Bem! I had no idea you were ready for another child!"

The two women embraced each other in tight hugs with small laughs surrounding them.

When Bemia first arrived in Norway, it was Eadith who had joined her and Espen, helping her settle the Kingdom before departing to follow her own path. Since then, Eadith visited at least three times a year, sharing her tales of new places she had seen and handing out many gifts.

"And I had no idea you were coming." Bemia rubbed her back before they pulled away from each other. "You should have told me and I would have prepared a feats."

Eadith shrugged her shoulders, still smiling. "There is no need for feasts. I do not plan to stay for long because my next journey is to Northumbria."

"Northumbria?" Bemia raised a brow in surprise. "I was...Well," she stammered and then faced back to her watching family. "Looks like we're all going to Northumbria!"

"What?" Espen questioned, handing his daughter to his beautiful wife that had dirty blonde hair with flowers always weaved into.

Bemia rested her hands on her stomach, rubbing her thumb. "Uhtred has invited us to join him in his village for a celebration and due to this, I have accepted it," she announced. "It has been far too long since I had seen my family in the land I was raised."

Stiorra and Sigtryggr shared a faint smile while Baldor and Njål cheered, already dashing back to their rooms to gather what they need.

Whereas, Espen quietly walked over to his mother with a concerned look. "I thought you never wanted to return," he whispered, stopping before her. "Because...of Sihtric."

It was true that Bemia once swore to never return and face her second husband, but she was growing old now and knew that soon she would never step foot on a battlefield again or travel across the treacherous seas in a boat.

"I need to do this." Bemia gently held his hands with a sad smile. "I'm growing old, my boy. After this last child, I've made the decision that you will have the throne and I will retire, moving to the country side with your brother's."

Espen's brows shot to the top of his head, a smile threatening his lips. "You truly mean it, mother?"

"Of course!" Bemia softly laughed, patting his cheek before facing Eadith. "Will you join us on this journey or take your own way?"

Eadith tilted her head down to Bemia's stomach with a smug smile. "I helped you birth the twins so I might as well be there when you birth this next child."

With that, Bemia announced to the commander to her men to prepare a boat, her nerves coming to life under her skin.

For the first time in years, she would see Sihtric once again.

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