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Months later...

"WHERE the hell is my husband?" Bemia's question sounded more like a growl as she squeezed a midwife's hand, causing the young woman to groan in pain. "Find him! Send out a rider!"

The older midwife with greyish hair barked out orders to two of the other women in the house, sending them off.

Another wave of pain went through Bemia's body, and she moved her hand from her swollen stomach to grab the windowsill in front of her. For the last two hours, she had been in immense pain. Unlike her first birth, this one was horrendous and unbelievably painful.

"Lady, I truly advise that you sit down," the older woman, Kouvr, suggested. "It will ease the pain."

Beads of sweat trailed down Bemia's face as she looked at the woman with hard eyes. "I am not having this child until my husband is by my side!" She didn't mean to shout, but when it felt like her body was being torn apart, she couldn't help but yell. And then another groan mixed with a sob fell from her lips as she dropped her head, squeezing her eyes shut. "Please, find him. Find my brother. Someone I know."

Just as she requested that, the wooden door to the house was thrown open and Osferth rushed in, his face full of worry and pale.

The second his eyes landed on Bemia, he was rushing over. "The child is coming?" he quietly asked, placing a hand on her back.

"What do you think?" Bemia snapped, sucking in a sharp breath.

Osferth cringed, rubbing her back. He knew not to take her anger and frustration to heart—something he had learned months ago.

It seemed that Bemia was truly the devil while with child. Over the last few months, she was either crying or yelling and when she wasn't doing either of those things, she was throwing up. The Gods may have blessed her with a child, but they didn't bless her with an easy few months.

Sadly, she had lost most of her weight, unable to keep food down. And it didn't help that she was always exhausted due to the pain keeping her up at night covered in cold sweats.

Which was exactly why Sihtric was currently out of Coccham. The husband had gone to Wessex to find a healer—another one—in hopes of helping his wife. But he left just a day ago, unaware of his wife who was ready for the child to enter the world.

"Please, Lady," Kouvr tried again, fixing up the pelt furs over the bed. "You must lay down."

"I cannot," Bemia sobbed, her knuckles turning white while she gripped the windowsill harder when another spike of pain went through her. "If I lay down, the child will come. That cannot happen without my husband."

Osferth pried her hand off the windowsill, taking it in his own and holding back a wince at her strong grip. "Bemia, please listen to her," he pleaded, pushing her hair away from her sweaty forehead. "Standing up could harm you or the baby. Lay down, okay? I swear I will not leave your side."

Bemia took in a few deep breaths, forcing her tear-filled eyes open and to look at his that were filled with promise. "I don't want him to miss it," she panted, struggling to swallow the bile threatening to rise in her throat. "I-I...I'm scared," she confessed above a whisper.

Osferth's lips curved into a sad smile. "I'm scared too," he admitted while taking her other hand from the midwife who sighed in relief, stepping back. "We can be scared together. Just please, lay down."

Bemia truly didn't want to lie down, but her legs were barely able to keep her standing any longer. With a shallow nod, Osferth kept her hands in his, slowly leading her toward the bed where Kouvr and the other midwife waited.

The second she laid on her back, relief for her legs greeted her only for another sharp pain to shock through her body, making her scream, her eyes tightly shut.

Osferth quietly and gently reminded her that he was right by her side, his hands squeezing hers back.

Kouvr pushed Bemia's legs up and lifted the bottom of her white sleeping gown up. "Lady, the child is coming," she warned her, sending a worried look to Osferth. "You must start pushing."

"I-I cannot," Bemia cried, dropping her head back against a pelt with her body shaking. "Where is he? Where is my husband?"

"Uhtred should have found him by now," Osferth quietly said, eyes darting to the closed door. "I'm sure they will be here any—"

Another scream ripped from Bemia, hot tears rushing down her face. The pain was worsening, feeling as if her legs were being pushed apart beyond their capability.

"Bemia?" a stressed voice shouted from the street outside and Bemia let out a sob of pain and relief. Then a second later, the door opened and Sihtric ran inside, covered in sweat and his hair devilish. "It's happening!" he shouted, eyes wide and legs already running him over to her.

Behind him, Uhtred and Finan ran inside, only to halt at the door and slap their hands over their eyes when they saw Bemia's gown up behind her knees.

The younger midwife thinned her lips, grabbing each of their hands before pulling them to the side of the room where they could safely watch without being flashed.

The second Sihtric dropped to his knees beside his panting wife, she let go of one of Osferth's hands and grabbed the front of her husband's vest, yanking him forward. "You're lucky I love you," she struggled to get out.

Sihtric paled slightly, removing her hand from his vest to press a kiss to her knuckles and hold it. "I'm truly sorry to have kept you waiting, my love," he apologized truly. "You should have started pushing without me."

"Wasn't going to happen," she snarled, struggling to hold her head up. "When do I push?"

Kouvr looked up at her with a small smile full of reassurance. "Now, Lady."

Before Bemia could even start pushing, Sihtric moved behind her, one hand still holding hers while he settled her up against his chest, his other hand tracing shapes on her shoulder. And Osferth didn't move, staying right by her side with his hand still firmly holding hers.

"Push!" Kouvr ordered.

Bemia felt the muscles in her body strain with pain as she pushed, a scream falling from her lips.

"Push like a slave!" Finan cheered, smiling like an idiot as Uhtred sent him a dumbfounded look.

"I'm going to have your cock, Finan!" Bemia shouted between pants.

Sihtric laughed, pressing a kiss to Bemia's head. "Keep going, my love. You're strong and unbreakable. Push!"

And Bemia did.

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