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   ON the road to Ceaster, Katja was lightly snoring, hidden under the skirts of her mother's dress to hide her from the beaming sun that shone down on the traveling group.

Sihtric stayed close to his wife's side, often taking Katja when she was awake and restless.

While the other two young children were in the back of a cart, Uhtred's children were riding on horses behind it and Espen sat beside Osferth at the front of the cart, the two of them randomly bursting out laughing.

"Do we stop?" Uhtred questioned Bemia, Sihtric, and Finan as they looked out at the grassy valley.

"No." Finan firmly shook his head. "Edward and his men will be half a day behind us at most. We must move faster to have any chance."

Behind them, a horse galloping sounded and Bemia held Katja closer to her chest while turning her horse around.

A young woman with lush copper hair slowed her horse down in front of Bemia's as Sihtric rode past her to check she wasn't followed, no doubt.

"Who are you?" Bemia demanded, unsheathing a sword.

But Uhtred held up a hand. "She's from Merica," he stated, and his sister hesitated but sheathed her sword.

The lady studied Bemia for a long moment before facing Uhtred. "I bring a message from Lady Aethelflaed."

"Did your brother send you?" Uhtred questioned.

"No, he does not know I am here," the lady answered. "He imprisoned Lady Aethelflaed, but I released her."

"Your brother is the one that's supposed to marry Aelfwynn?" Bemia scoffed, feeling Katja starting to stir under her skirts. "Why should my brother believe you?"

To her credit, the woman held Bemia's stare. "I do not lie."

"How did you find us?" Uhtred asked.

"Lady Aethelflaed herself said you spoke of traveling the road to Ceaster," the lady explained.

Sihtric joined them again, stopping beside his wife. "There's no one else, Lord."

Uhtred nodded and then focused back on the lady. "And you took the road alone?"

"Yes. And she wants you to meet her at the ruins of St. Milburg's Priory."

"St. Milburg is on the road to Wenloca, and we have passed it," Young Uhtred murmured.

Arms firmly crossed over his chest, Finan warned, "It might be a trick to divert us."

The lady sighed deeply. "I've done what I promised. You can choose to believe it or not."

"And where do you go?" Uhtred asked.

"I do not care," the lady bluntly said. "I have family in Frankia."

Young Uhtred snorted. "That way is inland."

Uhtred raised a brow at his amusement before facing the lady. "Ships come in near Ceaster. Travel with us. We will show you." He looked over at his sister and two men. "If she's lying, at least she's under our control."

"I'm sick of being controlled by men!" the lady snapped.

Sihtric chuckled, jabbing a thumb toward his wife. "You two would get along well."

Bemia scoffed, sending him a glare. "Are you saying men control me?" she sharply asked.

His face paled and he quickly shook his head. "No! Of course not!"

Stiorra started laughing in pure amusement. "I love it when she scares him."

"Stiorra," Uhtred murmured in a quiet warning and his daughter quieted down, rolling her eyes. And then looked back at the lady. "When did Aethelflaed leave?"

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