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I moved closer to see where the bright shining light came from.

The whole place was covered with gold and diamonds, which shone brightly under the lake.
"Treasure?" I exclaimed.

All of a sudden, I could breathe underwater. I don't have to hold my breath anymore.
What the fudge moment.
Can Mahabharata be less mysterious than this?

"Is this gold?" I took a cup from there.
I heard someone moving behind me, but when I turned, there was no one there.
"I better swim back up," I thought as I started to ascend.

A sudden force pulled my foot down, and as I looked down, I saw a serpent with five heads holding my foot with its tail.

"What the fuck?" I tried to pull my leg out of the grip.

In an instant, it pulled me closer and held my entire body. All I could do was to pray to the Lord Krishna.

I closed my eyes, struggling in its grip, and began to pray.
"Kanha, Help me" I screamed.

"Dhaksha!!!" I heard my Kanha.
I looked around, searching for him.

The entire underwater began to shake, causing objects to swirl around. Land under the lake started to break, and the serpent started to lose its grip.

"How dare you touch my sister?" I heard Kanha say from a bright light in the distance. The light became brighter as I closed my eyes.

I found myself in a misty fog, where I saw my parents sitting inside a room with a little boy beside them.

"Ammaa appa," I shouted and tried to walk towards them.

No matter how hard I tried, I still couldn't reach them.

"Her name is Dhakshayani." A guy sat in front of them.
"She came to our home a week ago," he said.

"Alright. We are ready to do it," my mom said.
"That's your brother," I heard someone. I turned to see Balram na.

My brother? What are they ready to do?

"Look for yourself," he smiled.
"We would love to adopt her," My father said while signing the documents.

What the fuck? I was adopted?

"You both shall make good parents for her," the guy replied.

"I was adopted, Balram na?"
"Yeah, you were adopted by them." he nodded his head.

"But her name is Dhakshayani?" my dad said.
" I always wanted to name my daughter Diana. Let's name her Diana sweetheart." my mom smiled. " You gonna become a brother, my Manuel." my mom took him in her arms.

"Yeaahh!!" he exclaimed.

"Look how happy they were," I said with my eyes filled with tears.
"Your brother died, so that you could return to us," he said.
"He did that for me? What are you saying?"
"Yes, Dhaksha. Don't worry, now you are with us. We are going to protect you no matter what." he held my shoulder.
"But my brother died-"

A sudden force pulled me from behind, and I found myself in the grip of the serpent. Kanha kicked it's head, made it lose its grip.

"Go to the surface!!" he shouted while fighting it.
"I can't go without you."
"I said go, Dhaksha!!!" he shouted again.

I was lifted to the surface.

"Bhaiya!!" I shouted.
"Dhakshaa," Balram swam towards me.
"Kanha is under the water, fighting the serpents." I was out of breath.
"Come let's get out of the water." he dragged me.
"But Bhaiya, you have to help Kanha."
"Calm down Dhaksha." he made me sit.
The whole water turned black.
"Bhaiyaa, what's happening?"
" I guess it's the Kaliya Nag," he replied.
"Kaliya Nag? The Serpent?"
"He used to reside in Ramanaka Dwipa. Later he was chased away. I guess he's hiding here, we never knew about it." he replied.
"I don't understand anything," I cried.

Mahabharata- I Wish This Lasts Forever(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now